Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Baby Shower" (S2, E4)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

I kept going back and forth all episode, trying to decide between George and Kramer but I think by the end Kramer delivered the strongest performance in a very weak offering overall. I loved him selling Jerry on the cable and also had some really good lines and delivery mixed in, including when he was flirting with the woman at the party. George had a few strong spots, but Kramer takes the award.

Best Storyline

I liked parts of the cable installation, but George's revenge obsession was classic Costanza and really led to some nice character development on his end. We got to see him at his petty and angry best, clinging to a grudge and using his friendship with Jerry to verbally attack a woman during her baby shower. And then, at the end, everything blows up as George wusses out and Jerry gets torn up by a woman he had once jilted. It wasn't the strongest storyline of the show's run but it is the best offered here.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Should you ask someone to throw you a baby shower? No. That is hella lame, especially for someone as rich as Leslie. Why is she having her shower in a one bedroom apartment in Manhattan instead of at the Kennedy Compound? Big time fail.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Leslie is a bitch and while it led to a solid George revenge plot, she clearly wasn't worth all the hullabaloo and how gaga he was over her. I am surprised how little relationships have been a focus in these early episodes as that is one of the main things associated with this show. Relationship Grade: 1/10

What Worked

Bitter, sarcastic, vengeful George is always the best George; We are getting more topical news/pop culture talk during the random diner scenes; Bill, the last person Jerry may ever see thanks to the blizzard, made me crack up with his delivery; The Russian cable installers at the baby shower were good for a few laughs, especially hovering over the food and then forcing their way into the bathroom; George pussying out at the last minute after his preparation and adamant stance that he would let Leslie have it; Nothing works out for anyone in the end in this one and that is vintage Seinfeld

What Didn't Work

Jerry is back to being a pussy and worrier about the cable and the women messing up his apartment and it was obnoxious at times; The FBI dream sequence is so un-Seinfeld and felt way out of place; Elaine kissing up to Leslie just didn't feel right as the real Elaine would have torn into her by the end.

Key Character Debuts


Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "It's like Epstein-Barr Syndrome with a twist of Lyme Disease" - Elaine
- "Come on! It's the 90s, it's Hammer Time!"" - Kramer
- Continued importance placed on airport runs as a level of friendship
- "Then you and the gals can take a load off and watch something on Lifetime!" - Kramer
-"Why live like this?" - Kramer
- Elaine drops that she saw JFK Jr. on a bus once

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Jerry is using rabbit ears for his TV with cable companies in court
- Kramer offers illegal cable with "56 channels"
- Kramer eats apples whole, including the core

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

Outside of Kramer's zingers and George's angry rant to open the episode, there wasn't too much here to dig into. Jerry was whiny and annoying and his Nervous Nelly act over the cable was cringe inducing at times. Elaine kowtowing to the bitch Leslie was sad to see as well. The cable storyline had potential but really fizzled once it ran into the baby shower and George's attempt at revenge. I liked that they are starting to tie all the stories together, but these just didn't seem to mesh. This was a step back after two strong episodes. Final Grade: 2/10
