Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Cadillac" (S7, E14/15)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

I am going with George because he was tremendous with his timing and scheming but I need to give a big shout out to Helen Seinfeld. Her digs were unreal throughout this one and all of her punchlines landed with savage precision. She was the perfect snapshot of the entire community as she fretted at every move Jerry and Morty made. Fuck it, I am going with Helen. You lose again Georgie Boy.

Best Storyline

I am going with the Cadillac here. Mainly because of the absurdity of all the Phase II residents. They all destroyed it with their dialogue and delivery and the way everything spiraled into absurdity paying off with Mrs. Choate exacting revenge on Jerry was tremendous writing. Plus, the Nixon spoof at the end was the icing on the cake.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Susan has to understand it is Marisa Fucking Tomei. George should have told her to hit the bricks as soon as his date went well. Susan can hitchhike her ass back to the cabin with her drunken mom and angry father and annoy some other guy. MARISA TOMEI.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

JT: Marisa Tomei. Hache mache. Relationship Grade: 100/10

What Worked:

Jerry's dead pan "No" about giving to charity and the comment about God gets me every time; Pipi Longstocking; Katy torturing George about Marisa Tomei was just cruel; The callback to the Seinfelds' fold out couch was great as was the full lips line and the pact; Jerry saying the pie was no good after prepping it during the whole scene; Marisa Tomei was amazing in My Cousin Vinny; George's cover for yelling with the judge line; Elaine getting horny for Jerry because of his wealth and then keeping count as he runs through the cash; George blowing off the fact that Katy is in the hospital to ask about Marisa and then later talking to her while she is in the coma; Awesome first scene for the Seinfelds; Klompus!; Kramer putting the phone down and leaving Nick on hold and then driving by in the cab; The random "Elevator" sign hanging in Kramer's apartment; Jack trashing Jerry's comedy; Morty losing a vote because a guy was pissed he get thanked for giving up his aisle seat; George's face when he comes up from making out with the pillow is so great, as is Susan's reaction; Art Vandelay!; Helen's "You wanna drive a Cadillac? Expect to pay the consequences." is fantastic; Another great callback with Mrs. Choate being the marble rye woman; "You ever go to Camp Tiyoga?" made me laugh out loud too; The argument over going to dinner and Helen's "it's unheard of"; George recycling his manure material; Elaine's reaction to Susan asking her about sleeping with George; The pay off to Jerry stealing the marble rye being Morty getting shit canned as president was a brilliant piece of business and the last scene was beautiful

What Didn't Work

I thought the Kramer vs. Cable Guy storyline was funny at times but the chase scene was a bit much and it definitely felt like they wedged the whole story in to fill out the hour time slot; George's lying is usually air tight, it seemed they made him stumble a bit here to force everything to fall apart which felt against his character

Key Character Debuts

- Marisa Tomei

Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "Well, what're you gonna do with all that money?" - Kramer "Actually, I was thinking of donating a large portion of it to charity." - Jerry "Really?" - Kramer "No." - Jerry
- " You're gonna score some big points with the man upstairs on this one." - Kramer "Oh, isn't that what it's all about?" - Jerry
- "Who was Pippi Longstocking?" - Elaine "Pippi Longstocking? Hmm, I don't don't know." - Katy "Did she have anything to do with Hitler?" - Elaine
- "Marisa Tomei's sitting home, Elaine! Why didn't you tell me that Katy was friends with Marisa Tomei?!" - George
- "Hu-hu, like I don't know that? (excitement) My Cousin Vinnie, I love that! I, George Costanza, could be on a date with an Oscar winner! An Oscar winner, Jerry! You know what that's like? It's like if fifty years ago, someone fixed me up with Katherine Hepburn? Same thing!" - George "Now there's a match. You and Katherine Hepburn." - Jerry
- "You remember what they did to me ten years ago? "Oh, we'll be there in the morning between nine and one", or "We'll be there between two and six"! And I sat there, hour after hour, without so much as a phone call. Finally, they show up, no apology, tracking mud all over my nice clean floors. Now, they want me to accommodate them. Well, looks like the shoe's on the other foot, doesn't it?" - Kramer "Boy, I've never seen you like this." - Jerry "Oh, you don't wanna get on my bad side." - Kramer
- "I'm aware! I'm aware!! But this is Marisa Tomei, Elaine. An Oscar winner! How can I live the rest of my life, knowing I coulda been with Marisa Tomei? She said I was just her type! She loves short, stocky, balding funny men!" - George "I notice you threw 'stocky' in there." - Jerry "Yeah, what the hell?!" - George
- " Huh, she's in the hospital. She has an arrhythmia." - Elaine "What about Marisa Tomei?!" - George
- "Morty, what d'you have to open this box for? There's already a box of cookies open." - Helen "I wanted a Chip Ahoy." - Morty "I don't like all these open boxes. Helen puts both boxes of cookies away in a cupboard." - Helen "Look, I got a few good years left. If I want a Chip Ahoy, I'm having it." - Morty
- "Hey Jerry, look at this. My seat's got a memory, in case somebody moves it. I could be in prison for five years. I come out, my seat goes right back to where I like it." - Morty "That's what I was thinking." - Jerry
- "Your son could never afford that car. We all saw his act, last year, at the playhouse. He's lucky he can pay his rent!" - Jack "Jack's right! He stinks!" - Herb "It's his material." - Ralph
- "Yeah, yeah. I have a thing for Marisa Tomei. Like she would ever go out with a short, stocky, bald man. Hu hu, ha ha. Like that's her type. Huh. She's an Oscar winner. He heh. Besides, I don't even know her. It's not
like anyone's trying to fix us up. Who, who would try and fix me up with Marisa Tomei?" - George "What are you talking about?" - Susan
- "He's voting to impeach.Not because he think you stole the money, but mainly because you never thanked him for giving you his aisle seat at Freddy Roman's show." - Evelyn
- "You know, it seems to me that it's all you, and none of my ideas are getting in. You know, I mean, you just know it all and I am Miss Stupid. Right?" - Elaine
- "You wanna drive a Cadillac? Expect to pay the consequences." - Helen
- "You look very familiar. Have we ever met?" - Mrs. Choate "You ever go to Camp Tiyoga?" - Jerry
- "Bernie, look who's eating at six o'clock. Your suddenly well-to-do president. But, you enjoy your last meal in office. Tomorrow, they kick you out, you'll have plenty of time to drive around in your Cadillac." - Jack

Oddities & Fun Facts

- George references the pull out couch from "The Pen" (S3, E5) and the pact with Jerry from "The Engagement" (S7, E1)
- Kramer references Chunnel, a callback to "The Pool Guy" (S7, E8)
- George references Art Vandelay, his oft used alter ego
- Ms. Choate was last seen in "The Marble Rye" (S7, E11)
- George discusses manure with Maria Tomei, a callback to "The Soup" (S6, E7)
- Morty and Helen leaving Phase II was a spoof of Richard Nixon's impeachment

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

This was a damn fine episode and the fact that it was super sized didn't hurt it much at all as it really flew by. I guess the only negative is they had to fill space and did so with a subpar Kramer C-level plot that dragged at times. Everything to do with the Cadillac and the old people was phenomenal, especially Helen accurately predicting all the turmoil that was to come. I can't get enough of the Seinfelds and Clomps and the Nixon scene always cracks me up too. There were also a ton of callbacks in the episode, both big and small, which made it rewarding for dedicated viewers. Plus... Marisa. Fucking. Tomei. Final Grade: 8/10
