Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Chaperone" (S6, E1)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

I had this one all teed up for Elaine...and then Kramer met Karen and we were off and running. The K-Man was a tour de force, completely overtaking Karen's career and wrecking her potential relationship with Jerry in the process. His screaming bouts with Jerome were perfectly executed, as was his over the top training session and detective work. Tremendous performance. As was Elaine's. She was great as the exasperated personal assistant, a role that suits her well as she does all she can to make this job work.

Best Storyline

Miss America for sure, completely on the back of Kramer. He was a beast.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

We don't find out if George gets blamed for the cotton uniforms, but it certainly isn't his fault. Buck Showalter signed off on it and the equipment managers should have been more careful to not dry them. Plus, how did the players not notice before they took the field? Amateur work all around.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Jerry and Karen had no shot. She was good looking but Jerry needs someone a bit more feisty and much less formulaic. She was a bot, sent from the Ocean State to help win some respect and admiration. Respect and admiration that would eventually be stomped dead by Curt Schilling. Relationship Grade: 38/10

What Worked:

George's first scene with Danny Tartabull makes this whole story idea worth it; Elaine wearing the Orioles hat in the box seats was an awesome callback; Jerry macking Miss Rhode Island was impressive; As was his singing the Miss America theme on the phone; Elaine dressed up as Jackie O landing her a gig with Mr. Pitt was a great bit; Elaine looking like a slob while Pitt compared her to Jackie O was funny too, as were the grace callbacks; Buck's comment about Tartabull's swing after George had given him tips was awesome; I love that they went all in and had so many Yankee cameos and bits, it was a nice touch; Kramer shutting down Jerry's lecherous plans is a favorite of mine as is Jerry's sarcastic "That's a hell of a plan" response to Karen's thoughts on world hunger; Kramer's advice and expertise on the topic was a nice touch; George gloating over the player comments on cotton was funny; An early glimpse into Mr. Pitt's eccentricities with the socks set us up nicely; Elaine's dejected "I can't go" was awesome; Kramer's training class is perfect; Karen's terrible singing put a bow on the whole present of goodness

What Didn't Work

Ms. Landis sucks and I hate her opinions on grace and obsession with Jackie O; The shrinking of the cotton uniforms should be blamed on the equipment managers, not poor George

Key Character Debuts

Karen, Miss Rhode Island
Mr. Pitt
Danny Tartabull
Buck Showalter

Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "Hot dog?" - Jerry "No, thanks. I'm watching my weight." - Miss RI "Ah. I'm watching my height. My doctor doesn't want me to get any taller. So you're Miss, uh..." - Jerry "Rhode Island. " - Miss RI "I was almost Mr. Coffee. They felt I was a little too relaxed." - Jerry
- "You can't have "a little grace." You either have grace, or you...don't." - Landis "OK, fine, I grace."- Elaine "And you can't acquire grace." - Landis "Well, I have no intention of "getting" grace." - Elaine "Grace isn't something you can pick up at the market." - Landis "Alright, alright, look - I don't have grace, I don't want grace...I don't even say grace, O.K.?" - Elaine
- "I'm going out with one of the Miss America contestants, you wanna go?" - Jerry "What state?" - Kramer "Rhode Island." - Jerry "They're never in contention." - Kramer "How do you know?" - George "Because I've seen every Miss America pageant since I was six." - Kramer
- "Yeah. Cotton breathes, you see, it's much softer. Imagine playing games and your team is five degrees cooler than the other team. Don't you think that would be an advantage? They're cooler, they're more comfortable ...they're happier - they're gonna play better." - George
- "Look, if you think I'm just going to step aside and do nothing while you defile this woman, you're crazy." - Kramer "I'm not going to "defile" her!" - Jerry "That's right, because I'm going to see it doesn't happen. Look, Jerry, these girls are Miss America contestants. It's every little girl's dream. And I'm not going to let you trample that dream and make a mockery of everything the pageant stands for."- Kramer "But - " - Jerry "AAAH! No buts! Those are my rules." - Kramer "But wait a minute..." - Jerry "Now, if you want to go out and have some good, wholesome fun with a nice girl, I'd be glad to help you out...if you're looking for something more than that, you've got the wrong guy, buddy!" - Kramer
- "Kramer, would you consider being my personal consultant for the pageant?" - Karen "Okay. But if I'm going to do this, we play by my rules or we don't play at all." - Kramer
- "Well, let me tell you something. I'm taking this kid to the top. To the top, Jerry! We're going for the crown, and you can't stop her!" - Kramer
- "Let's try a few more questions, alright? <Karen stands up.> If you were Miss America, and the U.S. was on the brink of a nuclear war, and the only way the conflict could be averted was if you agreed to sleep with the enemy's leader, what would you do?" - Kramer "Kramer, are these questions really that important...?" - Karen "Yes, they're important! If you stumble, if you hesitate, you can kiss the crown goodbye. Now if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times - poise counts! It's just as important as the others. Swimsuit! Evening wear! Talent! POISE!"- Kramer
- "Yeah, birds. She's got these trained doves, she does this magic act, that was her talent for the pageant. You know what I think, Jerry? I think somebody murdered those doves. Somebody wanted her out of that contest bad. Somebody who was just eaten up with jealousy. Somebody who just couldn't stand to have the spotlight taken off of them!" - Kramer "What are you looking at? Oh, that! We had to leave that outside, last night, because the water was making the room too cold." - Jerry "You killed them, didn't you?" - Kramer "No, you don't understand - it's not what you think! It was an accident!" - Jerry "Well, don't think you've won, because you haven't! This kid is a fighter! And if you think I'm gonna let a couple of dead birds get in our way, you're crazy!" - Kramer

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Elaine is wearing an Orioles hat in the box seats at Yankee Stadium, a callback to "The Letter" (S3, E21)
- Miss Alabama Heather Whitestone would win the Miss America 1995 pageant on September 17, 1994. She was the first deaf Miss America.
- Major League Baseball went on strike on August 11, 1994 and no other games were played that year. This episode aired on September 22, 1994. Also, because the Miss America pageant occurred on September 17, that means no Yankee game could have happened on that date.

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

Season six is underway with a strong opening offering. I love how they really dove into George's job and had all the Yankee cameos threaded throughout as it adds some realism to the show. It was a nice coup that shows with less gravitas may not be able to pull off. Elaine was tremendous throughout and her being so dejected and self loathing has been a good twist, from her pissing on grace to weeping openly in a pile of socks, she brought the goods. Kramer was a man on fire, carrying this one on his back and single-handedly raising the grade for me. The Miss America storyline felt a little aimless but once he got involved, it ratcheted up into an all time great series of scenes. Things have changed in the lives of the Core Four, but one thing remains: the show is still fantastic. Final Grade: 7/10
