Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Dog" (S3, E3)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

Kramer takes this one in a walk. Even though he was only in a few scenes, the competition was quite weak, so his break up speech and subsequent crawling back was more than enough to get my vote. George and Elaine did some fine work when they were forced to be friends in a direct manner and Jerry yelling at the dog was solid stuff, but there was no complete package this time around.

Best Storyline

I guess I will go with Kramer dumping his shitty girlfriend and then crawling back right afterwards. It only lasted a few scenes, but I really liked how he was mad that Jerry and Elaine didn't tell him how much she sucked but once they get back together, he is really pissed off at them for everything they discussed. The dog storyline just annoyed me because it was really unrealistic and dumb of Jerry to do what he did. George & Elaine's awkward non-chemistry was good too, but nothing that would stand out over the long term.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Are you in any obligated to dogsit for a complete stranger just because you happened to sit next to its owner on an airplane? No. The answer is no. It also seemingly cost Jerry money, as it stopped him from performing gigs. With that settled, what is your role in sharing your perception of their significant other? This is one where you should probably go on a case by case basis. Are they serious? Is he or she really fucking awful? Are they causing legit strife on your friend's life? Or are they just ugly and chew really loudly? Sliding scale.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Kramer and Ellen was the only romantic relationship on display and it seems really super unhealthy on a few levels. We can also talk about George and Elaine who basically had a brutal first date and then can't bear to be left alone together for even just a minute later on. They played the awkward card really well and it is funny watching them not act as much as a group of close friends but more as just general acquaintances with a common friend.  Relationship Grade: Kramer & Elaine 1/10

What Worked

Elaine teasing Jerry about picking up dog shit was good; Jerry angrily yelling at the dog always cracks me up; This is one of the few times the standup part made me laugh than most of the episode; George and Elaine struggling to get through coffee was good in a really awkward way and funny to see knowing how things progress; Kramer's break up speech was epic and well delivered, including his pathetic begging to be taken back; It was also funny how George and Elaine can only connect through talking shit on Jerry; Jerry and Elaine backtracking on what they said about Ellen was well played, including Kramer basically writing them off as friends because of it

What Didn't Work

There is an absurdly amount of room on the plane, which took me out of the scene a bit; The premise is odd here, why would Jerry ever agree to this; I can never tell if George and Elaine mispronounce Ponce de Leon on purpose? Either way it bugs me; Jerry's attempts to do bits within scenes are still really hit or miss; Farfel and his owner are both real pieces of shit; Did Gavin actually have Bell's Palsy or was he lying? He seems like a big liar.

Key Character Debuts


Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "What is a bender anyhow?" - Elaine "I don't know...they drink and they bend things at the bar?" - Jerry
- "Two hundred seats on a plane, I need to wind up next to Yukon Jack and his dog Cujo!" - Jerry
- Jerry & Elaine want to see Prognosis Negative
- "It's not my dog...I don't know where this booze hound is!" - Jerry
- "You better pick your dog up tonight or he has humped his last leg!" - Elaine
- "Mutt? I'll wager his parents are more pure than yours!" - Kramer

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Jerry flies first class
- Elaine considers George a "friend-in-law"
- George & Elaine talk about what Jerry is like when he vomits

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

This one was a major step back here in season three. After a solid start, this felt like a storyline idea that should have been left on the cutting room floor. It didn't make much sense and was too absurd to really buy into. Jerry was an idiot for taking the dog and then keeping custody of him. I know you don't want to ship the dog to the pound but it really wasn't his responsibility to go through all that. There were very few memorable lines and the only moments that really rang true to me were Kramer waffling on his break up, George and Elaine only able to talk when bashing Jerry and Jerry and Elaine debating how to make chocolate milk. Everything else just felt forced and ham-fisted. Final Grade: 3/10
