JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.

Best Character
I thought everyone was pretty strong here, from Jerry and George right down to Izzy and Peterman. Everyone played their role well and hit their lines along the way. That said, I thought Jerry and Kramer stood above the rest thanks to their fantastic delivery on some biting yet absurd lines. Both delivered in every scene and as a result their stories were the most consistently enjoyable.
Best Storyline
I will go with the Mandelbaums here as it tied in Jerry's trip to Florida as well, which included a great showing by Morty and his #1 Dad shirt. The parade of Mandelbaums failing one after the other was unveiled nicely and I liked Izzy just admitting the only thing he needed to keep Magic Pan alive was someone to roll the crepes. The shirt stuff was really good and I liked Jerry's comment about the rankings too. All the stories worked in this one, but I thought this was the most consistent.
Ethical Dilemma of the Week
If you were Earl Haffler would you trust Kramer with a big business deal after their previous interactions? Yes, that is how these big business men are so successful! Always keep hustling, Big Earl!
Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)
George needs to wake up, what a wasted opportunity. Danielle was ready to go! Blaine sucked, not much else cooking here. Relationship Grade: Monocle/10
What Worked:
The cold open conversation about the movie theatre concession stand promos was good; I like Kramer buttering up Jerry for the favor with the cheap shirt; Mr. Peanut; Elaine's obsession with the family in Sack Lunch and then shitting all over the English Patient was great; Nice callback on Elaine's friend's ugly baby; Izzy's reaction to Jerry's inadvertent challenge was awesome as was his trash talking; Kramer getting caught making tomato sauce with no shirt on and being unable to lie on the spot is a classic line; Izzy thinking Jerry took him out so Morty could be the #1 Dad is wonderfully paranoid; George finally realizing he is Neil was well done; Elaine getting dragged to the English Patient again was a nice twist; Jerry telling Izzy to find his number was well delivered as was him questioning the best dad rankings and then asking Izzy's son if he had kids; Loved the return of Earl Haffler; Kramer's gibberish barking at the Dominicans was great; Dennis Casto; Peterman saying "I thought I knew what love was" in the movie; That fucking noise Kramer makes when trying to get Jerry to notice the Dominicans; The payoff with Jerry easily lifting the TV was great as was Izzy's "yeah" when Jerry asked if he just needed someone to roll the crepes; George offering to burn his parents and then pulling the plug on Neil's IV was a fun ending to that story; The Dominicans hijacking Elaine's plane before she can see Sack Lunch tied everything together nicely
What Didn't Work
How did they make that halibut omelet so quickly?; I thought Elaine's friends lived out in the country, why are they in the city for the movie?; Blaine is a clown; Izzy's son calling Izzy "Daddy" when he is like 60 years old was a bit much; I can't buy that Elaine has never successfully had sex in a tub
Key Character Debuts
- Danielle
- Izzy Mandelbaum
Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes
- "Why's he dating a Pepsi? They're not having children." - Jerry "He's a musician." - Elaine "Musicians. Get a real job." - Jerry
- "Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he and I are exactly the same, except for one minor, yet crucial, detail. You never know." - George "Sometimes you do." - Jerry "Maybe it's some small thing I could change. Like a mustache. Or
wearing a top hat, or a monocle, or a... or a cane." - George "Who's she dating? Mr Peanut?" - Jerry
- "You look like you're in better shape than Neil. Do you work out?" - Danielle
- "Son, this is the most wonderful and thoughtful thing you've ever done for me." - Morty "You know, I bought you a Cadillac. Twice." - Jerry
- "Izzy used to work out with Charles Atlas in the fifties." - Morty "Eighteen-fifties?" - Jerry
- "You're not sleeping in that shirt. It's too tight." - Helen "This shirt will never leave my body." - Morty
- "Ugh. You wouldn't believe it. My boyfriend dumped me. My friends, who I don't even like, they won't talk to me. All because I don't like that stupid English Patient movie." - Elaine "Really? I thought it was pretty good." - Waitress "Oh, come on. Good? What was good about it? Those sex scenes! I mean, please! Gimme something I can use!" - Elaine
- "Oh, I see how it works now. He knocks me outta commission, so you can strut around in your fancy number
one shirt. Well, I'll show you who's number one." - Izzy
- "I try to take a vacation, I come back, the whole operation's a shambles."
- "Jerry, that shirt is gone right to his head." - Helen "Number One, signing off." - Morty
- "Jerry, once you've had real Cubans, there's just nothing else like it." - Kramer "We're talking about people, right?" - Jerry "Yes, yes. The quality, the texture, the intoxicating aroma. These guys don't have it." - Kramer "I thought they smelled pretty nice." - Jerry "Jerry, your palate's unrefined." - Kramer
- "Again, Mr Mandelbaum, this back specialist is supposed to be the best. So if there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to, uh, try and find my number." - Jerry "Uh, oh, wait. "How 'bout that, huh? The World's Greatest Dad. My son made it for me." - Izzy "That's very nice." - Jerry "The best in the world. Which means I'm better than just number one." - Izzy "Well, I don't know how official any of these rankings really are." - Jerry
- "What is with this family?" - George "I dunno. It's like, if one of 'em dies, the other one wants to bench press the casket." - Jerry
- "So, I taught 'em all about Cuba, and they really took to it. You know, Marxism, the Worker's Revolution, the clothing." - Kramer "Boy, they seem pretty angry about something." - Jerry "Yeah. I'm a little worried. When there's no work, and the people get restless, who do you think they come after? El Presidente!" - Kramer
- "Oh yeah, that's right. Go. Put us all in the hospital. And you've ruined our business with all your macho head games." - Izzy
- "Elaine, I hope you're watching the clothes, because I can't take my eyes off the passion." - Peterman
- "These Dominicans really know their way round a crepe. Look at that. It's like they're rolling a double corona. Just a cigar made outta bisquik, huh, Guillermo?" - Kramer
Oddities & Fun Facts
- Legendary actor Lloyd Bridges portrays Izzy Mandelbaum
- We last saw Earl Hafler in The Diplomat's Club (S6, E22)
Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)
This episode was way better than I remembered it to be. I thought all four stories meshed well and they all seemed to get the perfect amount of spotlight on them. The guest spots were all good too, even that dork Blaine. Jerry was at his crisp, biting best and seeing Elaine stand alone against the world was a fun turn for her. George obsessing over Neil and ignoring Danielle was perfectly in line with his character as was Kramer executing yet another ill fated scheme. This was an episode where everyone did their job and were supported by great writing and strong cameos. Fun episode. Final Grade: 8/10
Best Character
I thought everyone was pretty strong here, from Jerry and George right down to Izzy and Peterman. Everyone played their role well and hit their lines along the way. That said, I thought Jerry and Kramer stood above the rest thanks to their fantastic delivery on some biting yet absurd lines. Both delivered in every scene and as a result their stories were the most consistently enjoyable.
Best Storyline
I will go with the Mandelbaums here as it tied in Jerry's trip to Florida as well, which included a great showing by Morty and his #1 Dad shirt. The parade of Mandelbaums failing one after the other was unveiled nicely and I liked Izzy just admitting the only thing he needed to keep Magic Pan alive was someone to roll the crepes. The shirt stuff was really good and I liked Jerry's comment about the rankings too. All the stories worked in this one, but I thought this was the most consistent.
Ethical Dilemma of the Week
If you were Earl Haffler would you trust Kramer with a big business deal after their previous interactions? Yes, that is how these big business men are so successful! Always keep hustling, Big Earl!
Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)
George needs to wake up, what a wasted opportunity. Danielle was ready to go! Blaine sucked, not much else cooking here. Relationship Grade: Monocle/10
What Worked:
The cold open conversation about the movie theatre concession stand promos was good; I like Kramer buttering up Jerry for the favor with the cheap shirt; Mr. Peanut; Elaine's obsession with the family in Sack Lunch and then shitting all over the English Patient was great; Nice callback on Elaine's friend's ugly baby; Izzy's reaction to Jerry's inadvertent challenge was awesome as was his trash talking; Kramer getting caught making tomato sauce with no shirt on and being unable to lie on the spot is a classic line; Izzy thinking Jerry took him out so Morty could be the #1 Dad is wonderfully paranoid; George finally realizing he is Neil was well done; Elaine getting dragged to the English Patient again was a nice twist; Jerry telling Izzy to find his number was well delivered as was him questioning the best dad rankings and then asking Izzy's son if he had kids; Loved the return of Earl Haffler; Kramer's gibberish barking at the Dominicans was great; Dennis Casto; Peterman saying "I thought I knew what love was" in the movie; That fucking noise Kramer makes when trying to get Jerry to notice the Dominicans; The payoff with Jerry easily lifting the TV was great as was Izzy's "yeah" when Jerry asked if he just needed someone to roll the crepes; George offering to burn his parents and then pulling the plug on Neil's IV was a fun ending to that story; The Dominicans hijacking Elaine's plane before she can see Sack Lunch tied everything together nicely
What Didn't Work
How did they make that halibut omelet so quickly?; I thought Elaine's friends lived out in the country, why are they in the city for the movie?; Blaine is a clown; Izzy's son calling Izzy "Daddy" when he is like 60 years old was a bit much; I can't buy that Elaine has never successfully had sex in a tub
Key Character Debuts
- Danielle
- Izzy Mandelbaum
Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes
- "Why's he dating a Pepsi? They're not having children." - Jerry "He's a musician." - Elaine "Musicians. Get a real job." - Jerry
- "Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he and I are exactly the same, except for one minor, yet crucial, detail. You never know." - George "Sometimes you do." - Jerry "Maybe it's some small thing I could change. Like a mustache. Or
wearing a top hat, or a monocle, or a... or a cane." - George "Who's she dating? Mr Peanut?" - Jerry
- "You look like you're in better shape than Neil. Do you work out?" - Danielle
- "Son, this is the most wonderful and thoughtful thing you've ever done for me." - Morty "You know, I bought you a Cadillac. Twice." - Jerry
- "Izzy used to work out with Charles Atlas in the fifties." - Morty "Eighteen-fifties?" - Jerry
- "You're not sleeping in that shirt. It's too tight." - Helen "This shirt will never leave my body." - Morty
- "Ugh. You wouldn't believe it. My boyfriend dumped me. My friends, who I don't even like, they won't talk to me. All because I don't like that stupid English Patient movie." - Elaine "Really? I thought it was pretty good." - Waitress "Oh, come on. Good? What was good about it? Those sex scenes! I mean, please! Gimme something I can use!" - Elaine
- "Oh, I see how it works now. He knocks me outta commission, so you can strut around in your fancy number
one shirt. Well, I'll show you who's number one." - Izzy
- "I try to take a vacation, I come back, the whole operation's a shambles."
- "Jerry, that shirt is gone right to his head." - Helen "Number One, signing off." - Morty
- "Jerry, once you've had real Cubans, there's just nothing else like it." - Kramer "We're talking about people, right?" - Jerry "Yes, yes. The quality, the texture, the intoxicating aroma. These guys don't have it." - Kramer "I thought they smelled pretty nice." - Jerry "Jerry, your palate's unrefined." - Kramer
- "Again, Mr Mandelbaum, this back specialist is supposed to be the best. So if there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to, uh, try and find my number." - Jerry "Uh, oh, wait. "How 'bout that, huh? The World's Greatest Dad. My son made it for me." - Izzy "That's very nice." - Jerry "The best in the world. Which means I'm better than just number one." - Izzy "Well, I don't know how official any of these rankings really are." - Jerry
- "What is with this family?" - George "I dunno. It's like, if one of 'em dies, the other one wants to bench press the casket." - Jerry
- "So, I taught 'em all about Cuba, and they really took to it. You know, Marxism, the Worker's Revolution, the clothing." - Kramer "Boy, they seem pretty angry about something." - Jerry "Yeah. I'm a little worried. When there's no work, and the people get restless, who do you think they come after? El Presidente!" - Kramer
- "Oh yeah, that's right. Go. Put us all in the hospital. And you've ruined our business with all your macho head games." - Izzy
- "Elaine, I hope you're watching the clothes, because I can't take my eyes off the passion." - Peterman
- "These Dominicans really know their way round a crepe. Look at that. It's like they're rolling a double corona. Just a cigar made outta bisquik, huh, Guillermo?" - Kramer
Oddities & Fun Facts
- Legendary actor Lloyd Bridges portrays Izzy Mandelbaum
- We last saw Earl Hafler in The Diplomat's Club (S6, E22)
Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)
This episode was way better than I remembered it to be. I thought all four stories meshed well and they all seemed to get the perfect amount of spotlight on them. The guest spots were all good too, even that dork Blaine. Jerry was at his crisp, biting best and seeing Elaine stand alone against the world was a fun turn for her. George obsessing over Neil and ignoring Danielle was perfectly in line with his character as was Kramer executing yet another ill fated scheme. This was an episode where everyone did their job and were supported by great writing and strong cameos. Fun episode. Final Grade: 8/10
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