Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Limo" (S3, E18)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

I thought everyone was great in this episode, but George and Jerry have to share the award for sure. They were both brilliant and played off each other tremendously. I loved watching them lie their way through the episode, calibrating on the fly and acting completely in synch, especially as they stakes grew higher. My favorite moment may have been when George goes from panicking to calm dressing down Tim and throwing him out of the limo, completely in character and then goes right back to freaking out. This may be the best both have been in the same episode since the show started.

Best Storyline

Easy one here with the limo riding dominating the episode. It was well crafted from start to finish, with everything slowly unraveling as the ride goes on. Kramer slowly piecing things together was good too. The writing was just super strong the whole way through and involved everyone. Jerry and George being forced to lie and riff on the spot played greatly to their strengths and made this a really strong outing.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Should you ever take someone's limo? Especially if you know they aren't coming anytime soon? Sure, why the hell not? Especially in the early 90s when there was no chance that the driver was going to ask for ID. I mean, sure you could end up hanging out with a couple of Nazis with guns and also run the risk of being beaten up by an angry mob, but a free limo ride home from the airport is probably worth the risk.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

George and Eva had instant chemistry. What man wouldn't have melted when she looked deep into his eyes and professed her willingness to do anything to please him. It is nearly 23 years later and she won me over with that one line and sultry look. Despite the guns and Nazi ways, George would have been best served riding out the O'Brien charade as long as possible if it could have landed him some uninhibited Eva time. Relationship Grade: Eva

What Worked

George arguing with the guy at the airport over his watch was a good random laugh out loud moment; The premise is great from the start, especially with Jerry's inside information about O'Brien being stuck in Chicago; George's limo call to his mother was fantastic; The moment when George and Jerry realize they are in deeper than just a limo ride home is well done as the fear washes over them; Jerry waking up George when he realizes the Nazis don't know what he looks like was good, but I loved the look of disdain Tim gives George when he realizes what a mess he is; Kramer doing the 360 dunk was a bit overacted but it works because it's Kramer; Kramer trying to piece together the mystery while Elaine just accepts it pretty much sums up their personalities at this point in the show; George reading the script as everything comes together is one of my favorite moments of the season; Kramer assuming Jerry and George are actually O'Brien and Murphy was awesome; The final scene was good too, with the chaos in the limo and the wild mob outside and eventually George on the news.

What Didn't Work

Jerry is back to being a bit of a pussy about the limo heist; It is a little weird that the limo driver doesn't question why they only have one bag between the two of them.

Key Character Debuts


Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "Well if you're gonna be O'Brien, why can't I be somebody?" - Jerry "Like who?" - George "Dylan Murphy." - Jerry < George mumbles > "What, now you wanna be Dylan Murphy?" - Jerry "Well I like Dylan." - George
- I dunno, I'm in a limo. (dials) Hello ma? It's me. Guess where I am. In the back of a limo. No, nobody died. It's a long story, I can't tell you now. Because I can't. I said I can't. If I could, I would. Would you stop it? Alright, look, I'm getting off. No, I'm not telling you! How's this? I'm *never* telling you! I don't care! No! Fine! Never!!" - George "She happy for you?" - Jerry
- "You're Murphy!! Look, let's just jump out of the car." - George "We're doing sixty miles an hour!" - Jerry "So we jump and roll, you won't get hurt." - George "Who are you, Mannix?" - Jerry
- "...and the Jews steal our money through their Zionist occupied government and use the black man to bring drugs into our oppressed white minority communities." - George "You're not going to open with that, are you?" - Jerry
- "Let's just make a run for it." - Jerry "I can't run, I have a bad hamstring." - George "How'd that happen?" - Jerry "I hurt it in a hotel room. You know where they tuck the covers in real tight in those hotel rooms? I can't sleep like that so I tried to kick it out and I pulled it." - George
- "9... 1... 1. She said she'd do anything. Hello, police? Uh, yeah listen, we're in the back of a limo in Queens -- Astroturf? You know who's responsible for that, don't you?! The Jews! Ah, the Jews hate grass. They always have, they always will." - George
- "Don't you see? There's always been something very strange about Jerry, always so clean and organized. Do I have to spell it out for you? The limo? The name? The rally at Madison Square Garden? Jerry, O'Brien are the same person. Jerry is the leader of the Aryan Union!" - Kramer "Jerry's a nazi?!" - Elaine "I can't believe I didn't see it." - Kramer "Listen, you idiot! Just calm down! I know Jerry, he's not a nazi." - Elaine "You don't think so." - Kramer "No, he's just neat." - Elaine
- "What about George?" - Elaine "What about him, he's part of it. His whole personality is a disguise. No real person can act the way he does. Elaine, I'm telling you they're with the organization. They're all part of it. He's in there with Helms and Hunt and Liddy, that whole crowd. George and Jerry, they probably know who killed Kennedy!" - Kramer
- "Why did you call him O'Brien and him Murphy?" - Tim "No, he was talking to me, he's cross-eyed." - Jerry

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Tim the Nazi is portrayed by Peter Krause
- The game George and Jerry believe they are attending was likely the night of February 13, 1992; The Bulls defeated The Knicks 106-85 at Madison Square Garden; Michael Jordan had 17 points.

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

I love this episode. It is so well crafted and the way everything unfolds in real time with Jerry and George being forced to adjust on the fly was brilliant. Having Kramer narrating the whole thing from afar, dropping in additional clues, was really good too. Tim and Eva were great in their roles, with Tim never really trusting George and Jerry while Eva was blinded by meeting her hero. There were at least three or four laugh out loud moments in here too. The only thing it was really lacking was Hall of Fame moments. I also thought Elaine was kind of weak in this one and it feels like a step back for her from recent installments. This one was Seinfeld playing to its strength by relying on its super talented cast to do what it does best: lie, lie and lie. Final Grade: 7/10
