JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.

Best Character
Man, lots to love here. The Driver and Laura were both great in their roles and I really loved Kramer the Ball Boy and Sign Language Translator. But, George is the choice as he had the best episode top to bottom. From devouring the ice cream like an animal to flipping out and calling Laura and Kramer idiots in front of everyone, he dominated the action.
Best Storyline
The lip reader all the way as it produced the two best scenes of the episode with the restaurant plotting and the party execution. Also, the six/sex mixup is a classic.
Ethical Dilemma of the Week
If someone you are dating is humiliated publicly, is it OK to immediately cut the cord like a coward? If you are so revolted that you have to end things, at least have the guts to say why. Plus, they have mutual friends! That is a shit position to put poor Todd in. As it is he has to deal with being grotesquely short. Come on, Gwen. Play like a champion.
Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)
I really liked Jerry and Laura together and was sad that things end between them thanks to George flipping out at the party. They had a nice rapport and we could have used more scheming with Jerry using her powers for his benefit. Relationship Grade: Sex/Six
What Worked:
George's issue with the suntan lotion made me laugh; "BL" makes me giggle too; George eating the sundae is magnificent, he destroys it with such zest and vigor and then him getting caught on the screen was tremendous; Elaine's deaf routine was really well done, until she botched it of course, but that was funny too; The driver was funny and I liked the scene where Elaine is busted followed up by the BL actually being deaf; Kramer knowing sign language is perfect Kramer booking; The K-Man's ball man dream is also a really good angle; I love George trying to count out eight seconds as he panics over the ice cream incident; The discussion on who should attend the party was classic Seinfeld; The restaurant scene is an immediate classic and the scene in the car that follows is one I still quote to this day; Kramer showing up the young punk with his tremendous moves was so good; Great Newman cameo; I love Kramer trying to sign with Laura and Laura's lip reading with Kramer's translation, ending with George getting smacked in the face; Kramer wiping out Monica Seles and Laura and the Driver was a perfect way to tie it all up
What Didn't Work
Since when is Jerry not the type of guy to randomly approach women? Ever since he stopped being such a pussy early on, he seems to be confident enough to pull off a move like this; Gwen is kind of a bitch to break with George over the ice cream incident; I never cared for George shoehorning into Jerry's date, as it isn't like he and Laura are a long term couple
Key Character Debuts
- Laura The Deaf, Beautiful Lineswoman
Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes
- '25? You don't have anything higher?" - George "What, are you on Mercury?" - Jerry
- "That woman is absolutely stunning." - Jerry "The Croat?" - George "Not the Croat, the lineswoman. That is the most beautiful lineswoman I've ever seen." - Jerry "Yeah, she's a B.L." - George "B.L.?" - Jerry "Beautiful lineswoman." - George
- "I said you know what I do when I want to relax? The Jumble. Hey do you make a book of Jumbles?" - Driver
- "Yeah yeah, I know your type. You're too good to make conversation with someone like me. Oh god forbid you could discuss the Jumbles. But to go so far as to pretend you're almost deaf, I mean that is truly disgusting. And Mr. Tom Hanks, may I say he too would be disgusted by your behavior." - Driver
- "And you're saying she's deaf." - Kramer "I'm not saying she's deaf, she's deaf." - Jerry
- "No. When I shoo squirrels away, I always say "get out of here". I never ever throw things at them and try to injure them like other people." - Elaine "That's nice." - Jerry "Yeah, and when I see freaks in the street I never, ever stare at them. Yet, I'm careful not to look away, you know, because I want to make the freaks feel comfortable." - Elaine "That's nice for the freaks." - Jerry
- "You're giving me the "it's not you, it's me" routine? I invented "it's not you, it's me". Nobody tells me it's them not me, if it's anybody it's me." - George
- "He's the *loser*. She's the victor. To the victor belong the spoils." - Elaine
- "She's not a novelty act, George. Where you hire her out for weddings and bar mitzvas." - Jerry "Look. It's a skill, just like juggling. She probably enjoys showing it off." - George
- "They said they haven't seen anybody go after balls with such gusto." - Kramer
- "If this lip reading thing works tonight do you know how incredible this is going to be? It's like having Superman for your friend." - George "I know. It's like X-ray vision." - Jerry "If we could just harness this power and use it for our own personal gain, there'd be no stopping us." - George "I hear you've got some lip reader working for you. You gotta let me use her for one day. Just one day." - Newman "Can't do it Newman." - Jerry "But Jerry, we've got this new supervisor down at the post office. He's working behind this glass. I know they're talking about me. They're going to transfer me, I know it. Two hours, give me two hours." - Newman "Not going to happen." - Jerry "All right, all right. All right you go ahead. You go ahead and keep it secret. But you remember this. When you control the mail, you control... information." - Newman
- "No that's what he said. "That's interesting. I love carrots, but I hate carrot soup. And I hate peas, but I love pea soup." So do I." - Kramer
Oddities & Fun Facts
- Kramer is drinking a Minute Maid juice box
- Laura the Lineswoman is played by Marlee Matlin
- Marlee Matlin was nominated for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for this role
Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)
This was a really strong offering with a tight story that pays off beautifully at the end. It featured two strong guest performances in Laura and the Driver and the main four were all really great as well. The scheming in the restaurant checks in as an instant Seinfeld Pantheon scene and the Six/Sex mixup and party scenes are right behind it. With performances and the writing, season five continues to roll on. Final Grade: 8/10
Best Character
Man, lots to love here. The Driver and Laura were both great in their roles and I really loved Kramer the Ball Boy and Sign Language Translator. But, George is the choice as he had the best episode top to bottom. From devouring the ice cream like an animal to flipping out and calling Laura and Kramer idiots in front of everyone, he dominated the action.
Best Storyline
The lip reader all the way as it produced the two best scenes of the episode with the restaurant plotting and the party execution. Also, the six/sex mixup is a classic.
Ethical Dilemma of the Week
If someone you are dating is humiliated publicly, is it OK to immediately cut the cord like a coward? If you are so revolted that you have to end things, at least have the guts to say why. Plus, they have mutual friends! That is a shit position to put poor Todd in. As it is he has to deal with being grotesquely short. Come on, Gwen. Play like a champion.
Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)
I really liked Jerry and Laura together and was sad that things end between them thanks to George flipping out at the party. They had a nice rapport and we could have used more scheming with Jerry using her powers for his benefit. Relationship Grade: Sex/Six
What Worked:
George's issue with the suntan lotion made me laugh; "BL" makes me giggle too; George eating the sundae is magnificent, he destroys it with such zest and vigor and then him getting caught on the screen was tremendous; Elaine's deaf routine was really well done, until she botched it of course, but that was funny too; The driver was funny and I liked the scene where Elaine is busted followed up by the BL actually being deaf; Kramer knowing sign language is perfect Kramer booking; The K-Man's ball man dream is also a really good angle; I love George trying to count out eight seconds as he panics over the ice cream incident; The discussion on who should attend the party was classic Seinfeld; The restaurant scene is an immediate classic and the scene in the car that follows is one I still quote to this day; Kramer showing up the young punk with his tremendous moves was so good; Great Newman cameo; I love Kramer trying to sign with Laura and Laura's lip reading with Kramer's translation, ending with George getting smacked in the face; Kramer wiping out Monica Seles and Laura and the Driver was a perfect way to tie it all up
What Didn't Work
Since when is Jerry not the type of guy to randomly approach women? Ever since he stopped being such a pussy early on, he seems to be confident enough to pull off a move like this; Gwen is kind of a bitch to break with George over the ice cream incident; I never cared for George shoehorning into Jerry's date, as it isn't like he and Laura are a long term couple
Key Character Debuts
- Laura The Deaf, Beautiful Lineswoman
Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes
- '25? You don't have anything higher?" - George "What, are you on Mercury?" - Jerry
- "That woman is absolutely stunning." - Jerry "The Croat?" - George "Not the Croat, the lineswoman. That is the most beautiful lineswoman I've ever seen." - Jerry "Yeah, she's a B.L." - George "B.L.?" - Jerry "Beautiful lineswoman." - George
- "I said you know what I do when I want to relax? The Jumble. Hey do you make a book of Jumbles?" - Driver
- "Yeah yeah, I know your type. You're too good to make conversation with someone like me. Oh god forbid you could discuss the Jumbles. But to go so far as to pretend you're almost deaf, I mean that is truly disgusting. And Mr. Tom Hanks, may I say he too would be disgusted by your behavior." - Driver
- "And you're saying she's deaf." - Kramer "I'm not saying she's deaf, she's deaf." - Jerry
- "No. When I shoo squirrels away, I always say "get out of here". I never ever throw things at them and try to injure them like other people." - Elaine "That's nice." - Jerry "Yeah, and when I see freaks in the street I never, ever stare at them. Yet, I'm careful not to look away, you know, because I want to make the freaks feel comfortable." - Elaine "That's nice for the freaks." - Jerry
- "You're giving me the "it's not you, it's me" routine? I invented "it's not you, it's me". Nobody tells me it's them not me, if it's anybody it's me." - George
- "He's the *loser*. She's the victor. To the victor belong the spoils." - Elaine
- "She's not a novelty act, George. Where you hire her out for weddings and bar mitzvas." - Jerry "Look. It's a skill, just like juggling. She probably enjoys showing it off." - George
- "They said they haven't seen anybody go after balls with such gusto." - Kramer
- "If this lip reading thing works tonight do you know how incredible this is going to be? It's like having Superman for your friend." - George "I know. It's like X-ray vision." - Jerry "If we could just harness this power and use it for our own personal gain, there'd be no stopping us." - George "I hear you've got some lip reader working for you. You gotta let me use her for one day. Just one day." - Newman "Can't do it Newman." - Jerry "But Jerry, we've got this new supervisor down at the post office. He's working behind this glass. I know they're talking about me. They're going to transfer me, I know it. Two hours, give me two hours." - Newman "Not going to happen." - Jerry "All right, all right. All right you go ahead. You go ahead and keep it secret. But you remember this. When you control the mail, you control... information." - Newman
- "No that's what he said. "That's interesting. I love carrots, but I hate carrot soup. And I hate peas, but I love pea soup." So do I." - Kramer
Oddities & Fun Facts
- Kramer is drinking a Minute Maid juice box
- Laura the Lineswoman is played by Marlee Matlin
- Marlee Matlin was nominated for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for this role
Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)
This was a really strong offering with a tight story that pays off beautifully at the end. It featured two strong guest performances in Laura and the Driver and the main four were all really great as well. The scheming in the restaurant checks in as an instant Seinfeld Pantheon scene and the Six/Sex mixup and party scenes are right behind it. With performances and the writing, season five continues to roll on. Final Grade: 8/10
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