Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Red Dot" (S3, E11)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

This was a tough episode to choose because I didn't feel like anybody really had a strong outing. Kramer was good but was barely on, Jerry didn't have much conviction and seemed to take a step back and George was good with his deception, but didn't quite stand out like normal. So, I give this one to Elaine, who worked hard throughout and did the heaviest lifting of all the main characters. I also liked her shaking down Jerry and duping George into telling the truth. If it weren't for her I am not sure much would have worked here.

Best Storyline

I will go with the sweater storyline as I did not enjoy Alcoholic Dick at all. The character was super annoying and I thought the whole story was really awkward and all four of the main characters seemed out of place talking about drinking. The sweater was the lynchpin here, being passed around from recipient to recipient, right down to a sauced Dick even noticing the blemish. I like that George immediately tried to buy off the cleaning lady with it after Elaine gave it back to him. George banging the cleaning lady on his desk and then basically admitting it to his boss comes in a close second.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Should you not have sex with a cleaning lady on your desk at your branch new job? Is that frowned upon? Sadly, yes. George should have held out on that fantasy until he could pull someone a bit...well, whatever. He apparently thought the tradeoff was worth it. Lipman needs to get cameras installed, ASAP. Take her home, next time Georgie Boy.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Dick liked Elaine. Dick liked to drink. Dick drank. Dick got drunk. Dick is a prick. See Elaine dump Dick. See Dick drag a Christmas tree. Dick was awful. Relationship Grade: 1/10

What Worked

The on/off the wagon argument was good fodder; Jerry accidentally feeding Dick liquor and driving him off the wagon is a classic Seinfeld stye life destruction; George and Jerry's sweater dot debate at the store was relatable banter; Kramer's mock Hennigan's commercials were quite funny; Kramer being the one to notice the dot was perfect character work; Good work by Elaine to pick on Jerry for information as he is an awful secret keeper; George regifting the sweater was funny stuff; I liked using Jerry's standup as a storyline, it made the usage of it in other episodes seem a bit more legitimate; George's meeting with Lippman was hilarious as he tries a different route as opposed to lying; Jerry not taking Elaine's bait was good too.

What Didn't Work

George's winter hat barely fits his head, so I don't really see the point; Dick is completely unlikeable immediately upon showing up; Apparently Kramer and Jerry are lightweights based on their drinking in this episodes; Jerry is an awful liar; Drunk Dick just wasn't an enjoyable storyline and it felt awkward watching this crew deal with something like that.

Key Character Debuts


Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

-  George mentions Art Vandelay as one of his favorite authors
- "You want me to take an overview? I see a very cheap man holding a sweater trying to get away with something, that's my overview!" - Jerry
- "I got a bottle of scotch my uncle gave me. It's Hennigans. It's been here for two years. I've been using it as a paint thinner." - Jerry
- "Say you got a big job interview, and you're a little nervous. Well throw back a couple shots of Hennigans and you'll be as loose as a goose and ready to roll in no time. And because it's odorless, why, it will be our little secret. (singing) h-e-double n..." - Kramer
- "Yeah chambermaids, I'm attracted to them too." - Jerry "Why is that?" - George "It's a woman in your room. So go ahead." - Jerry
- "So we started drinking, and I'll tell you I don't know if it was the alcohol or the ammonia, but the next think I knew she was mopping the floor with me." - George "So how was it?" - Jerry "Well the sex was okay, but I threw up from the Hennigans." - George "Good thing the cleaning lady was there." - Jerry
- "Elaine, I'm, I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Here I go out in the spirit of the season (Elaine looking like she's not buying a word of it) and spend all my savings to buy you the most beautiful Christmas sweater I have ever seen to show my appreciation to you at Christmas and this is the thanks that I get at Christmas." - George "Well Jerry told me that you did." - Elane "You told her? How could you tell her? I told you not to say anything." - George "I didn't tell her you stupid idiot. She tricked you." - Jerry "Elaine you don't understand. I had 103 temperature when I bought that sweater. I was so dizzy I was seeing red dots everywhere. I thought everything in the store had a red dot on it. I couldn't distinguish one red dot from another. I couldn't afford anything. I have nothing. I haven't worked for a really long time. (Jerry is standing right behind George. Jerry takes out a hankerchief and starts fake-crying in it.) I mean look, I have no clothes, look at what I'm wearing. It's just a little red dot." - George

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Mr. Lippman is now portrayed by Richard Fancy, who will retain the role through the duration of the series
- Jerry uses Hennigan's scotch as paint thinner
- George is attracted to cleaning women
- Jerry discusses a bathroom hand dryer as if it is a rarity

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

I just couldn't get into this one. It had a couple of classic moments, including the whole sweater fiasco, but it just never seemed to get into gear. It really slows down what has been an awesome series. I thought the alcoholic think just didn't work at all because all four of the main actors seemed to have no idea to convey the emotions or actions needed to work a story like this. Between Kramer getting drunk and passing out after one glass, Jerry's weird robotic pour and shotgun gulp and George throwing up after a drink, it just all felt like over the top expositional goofiness, something that doesn't suit this show well. Toss in Dick, and I just didn't find as many laughs as I usually do. While it had a few spots here and there, this may be my least favorite episode of the season. Final Grade: 4/10
