Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Scofflaw" (S6, E13)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

I didn't think this was the best outing for our big four but if I had to pick one there, I would go with Kramer just for the absurd eye patch/leather jacket combo. However, I am going way off the radar here and going with the Hair Team salesman. His rant while snapping at Jerry was so well done and you could feel his anger. I feel he gave the best performance out there.

Best Storyline

I will go with the scofflaw. Newman as the white whale and Kramer standing there taking him into custody as the judge looks on disgusted was great.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Should lie about cancer to get free shit? Probably not. Gary seems like a bright guy, I am sure he could have come up with something less vile to earn that free rug.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Jerry and George need to figure out their relationship. They are clearly fighting through the pull to share their deepest secrets and George's actions screamed that he wanted nothing more that to spill his guts to his true beloved but didn't want to be the weak one. Jerry, knowing just how to bait George along, masterfully worked the secret out of him. Progress. Love. Relationship Grade: Full House/10

What Worked:

Kramer's "Hey Pig" line always makes me laugh; Kramer's headlock on George and slow exit were great; I like that Elaine knew the secret about Gary; The cop's obsession with the white whale is a fun side plot; George's "twenty lies" comment was a good one and Gary lying about having cancer may be the worst of the worst when it comes to deception on this show; Jerry immediately sniffing out George's poker face and George immediately cracking is really good; YOU BE NICE!; Gary in the wig and Jerry angrily showing his fillings; Kramer walking in with the eye patch, falling down and then switching eyes; The cab driver egging Elaine on; The whip conversation is the essence of Seinfeld; Newman as the white whale is great casting and his breakdown and confession to Kramer was great; Elaine's revenge; Newman's absurd courtroom breakdown as well as the closing that scene with Kramer taking custody; The Hair Team rep snapping at Jerry as he rips George's wig; Nice payoff with George's spot going to Newman; George with the wig at the end is amazing

What Didn't Work

Debbie Bibelo is an awful name; For someone that is so obsessed with cleanliness, how does Jerry have so many fillings?; Debbie sucks with everything she says; I know it's just Jon Lovitz's style but I thought his overacting was distracting at times

Key Character Debuts

- Gary Fogle

Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "I was yelling at the litterbug. I mean this is my town. You don't throw trash on the streets of my town." - Kramer
- "Huh, really? How bad? Was he on his death bed?" - George "No, he was on his regular bed." - Jerry
- "I was so nice to him I almost made myself sick." - Jerry
- "I have to say, as a glasses wearer I take exception to that. That's like me buying a wheelchair to cruise around in." - George "Yeah, I've considered that." - Kramer
- Mr Kramer, let me tell you a story. In nineteen-seventy-nine I ticketed a brown Dodge Diplomat for parking in a Church zone. That fine was never paid, and since then that scofflaw has piled up more parking tickets than anyone in New York City. For sixteen years I pursued him, only to see him give me the slip time and time again. I never got a clean look at his face, but he's become my 'white whale'. Mr Kramer, that day was yesterday! But thanks to you, I don't know if I'll ever get that chance again!" - Kramer
- "Well, the thing is, I've been living a lie." - Gary "Just one? I'm living like twenty." - George
- "Kramer, you don't understand. He made the last contact between us. I had the upper hand in the post-breakup relationship. If he thinks that I said hi, then I lose the upper hand." - Elaine "It's like a game of tag." - Jerry
- "Did you know he was so worried about losing more hair if he had to get chemo treatment, I bought him an unlimited gift certificate at the Hair Team For Men, just to put his mind at ease?" - Jerry
- "You look like a pirate." - Jerry "I wanna be a pirate." - Kramer
- "Well, you know in the old days, when the senators didn't vote the way that the party leaders wanted 'em to... they whipped them. You better vote the way we want you to, or there's gonna be big trouble." - Kramer
- "Ah, don't play dumb. It's me, Cosmo." - Kramer "All right, so it's me. So what?" - Newman "You don't think I know how you're feeling, every second of the day? Looking over your shoulder to see if someone's coming up from behind. Sitting alone at night, knowing they could be closing in." - Kramer "I can't sleep, I tell you! I can't sleep!" - Newman
- "No, I don't think you're being helpful! I think you're being disruptive, and you make it very difficult for your friend here to improve his life!" - Salesman "Hey! I'm trying to prevent my friend from becoming one of those guys people snicker at behind their back, because they look ridiculous! No offense to you personally!" - Jerry All you people with hair think you're so damn superior! You have no idea what it's like. You ever look down in the bottom of your tub and see a fist fulla hair? How'd you like to start your day with that?!" - Salesman

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Gary Fogle is portrayed by Jon Lovitz
- Elaine references her bad breakup with Jake Jarmel from The Opposite (S5, E22)
- Kramer's "I want to be a pirate" is a call back to The Puffy Shirt (S5, E3)

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

I just wasn't feeling this one and it felt like a step back from their recent efforts. Nothing seemed to really kick into the next gear and there was lots of potential that they never quite cashed in on. As I mentioned above, Lovitz's overacting took me out of his scenes and only George in the wig and the crazed salesman really made up for it. Kramer's patch was great but it seemed like they had this fun idea for Newman to be a scofflaw and then sputtered through the storyline until the payoff. The returns of Jarmel and Lippman were good and Elaine had a nice solid episode. Nothing really popped here though and it was one of the first real disappoints for me here in season six. Final Grade: 6/10
