Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Stakeout" (S1, E2)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

It didn't take long for Jerry to grab his first Best Character award, but he was the star in this one. His work in the first half of the episode was great, specifically the scene at the bar and the constant repeating of the law firm name. Plus, his scenes with his parents were natural and relatable. George only had one scene and was great again, but Jerry did all the heavy lifting this time out.

Best Storyline

Even though it really only consisted of one scene, Jerry & George staking out the building was my favorite story within this episode. They laid out the situation and displayed their fantastic chemistry while also debuting the legendary Art Vandelay as well as George's infatuation with being an architect. Jerry was hot for Vanessa from the start and, after a tip from his dad, the stakeout was on. It was the best scene of the episode and a peek into the unique looks at every day life that Seinfeld would come to be known for.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

There wasn't too much here in the way of ethics, so I will go with: Should Jerry ask Elaine for Vanessa's number? I get Jerry being antsy here, but his dad said it best, "If you are friends, just ask her." And that is exactly what he should have done. Although the stakeout wasn't a bad Plan B.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Jerry and Vanessa had pretty good chemistry in their two scenes together, and she was also quite attractives having a style that still holds up, which is impressive considering this episode took place in 1989. I would have liked to have seen more between the two, but even as is, Vanessa rates at a solid spot on the scale. Relationship Grade: 5/10

What Worked 

Jerry & Elaine showed off their chemistry in the opening scene while also laying out their complicated history and relationship status. The bar scene was fantastic, both with Jerry's internal conversation and debate as well as Elaine cockblocking him with a boring dream story. Helen Seinfeld has the overbearing, concerned mother down pat already and easily lapped the overmatched Phil Bruns, who was portraying Morty here.

What Didn't Work

Morty Seinfeld was a bum in this episode. He was too much like a normal dad and this show called for someone more over the top. Thankfully it comes soon. As good as Jerry was in this episode, he is still fretting and whiny in spots, especially concerning his issues with Elaine. The sooner that side of him vanishes, the better.

Key Character Debuts

Elaine Benes, Helen Seinfeld, Morty Seinfeld*
 *Portrayed by Phil Bruns for this episode only

Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "Simon, Bennett, Robbins, Oppenheim & Taft" - Jerry
- Debut of Art Vandelay, originally named Art Corvelay
- First mention of George's fake career as an architect
- First use of importing/exporting as a fake career
- "Quone, to quone something! We need a medical dictionary, if a patient gets difficult, you quone 'em" - Kramer
- First time Jerry's friends and family try to give him comic routine ideas
- (To his wife) "You should be glad I wasn't so particular." - Morty Seinfeld

Oddities & Fun Facts
- Elaine & Jerry's past relationship is first referenced
- Jerry has a pull out bed in a studio

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

This episode started strong, and I was really hooked in early, but it petered out towards the end, mainly after the stakeout ended. It felt like they just wanted to work through the kinks of Jerry and Elaine's relationship and the challenges they will face, but because they casted a strong love interest for Jerry, it left me wanting to see more of him and Vanessa instead. Instead of one strong storyline, they took two good ideas and meshed them together, so neither felt fleshed out or fulfilling in the end. Artie Levine and his wagon was the lone highlight of the final scene as the end of the show fell flat. Final Grade: 4/10
