Seinfeld: The Series Rewatch - "The Tape" (S3, E8)

JT's comments below originally ran as part of Place to Be Nation's "Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch" project.


Best Character

George and Elaine tie for me in this one because their chemistry and interactions were top notch and if one of them weren't involved, the story wouldn't have popped nearly as much. George slowly falling for Elaine and being unable to focus or express himself until he absolutely bursts is about as relatable as it gets. And equally as relatable is Elaine not realizing how much she is torturing him, inadvertently stringing him right along. Kramer was great as always too, landing some solid lines with precision delivery in between all the madness.

Best Storyline

There were only two stories here and they were fairly symbiotic, bouncing off one another throughout the whole episode. If I am forced to choose, I will go with George's baldness cure quest because it led to more of the funny, one off moments. I really liked the stuff with Ping and the Chinese Institute, George's cowboy hat and him alternating between applying and removing the cream deepening on Elaine's impending arrivals to the apartment. It was a simple, yet effective story.

Ethical Dilemma of the Week

Should George have told Jerry that Elaine left him the message before he went out on a date like a fool? Probably, especially since they are best friends and George's relationship with Elaine was merely tangential at this point. However, he had love in his eyes and wasn't thinking straight at all so he never could piece it together well enough to catch Jerry up. Although, I do think Jerry's date would have ended on a better note if he didn't wear that absurd red jacket and flashy shirt combo.

Relationship Scale (Scale 1-10)

Porn star Elaine. That is all. Relationship Grade: 10/10

What Worked

George's quest for hair through the China scheme, Jerry using a tape recorder and Kramer's brand new video camera is just a real great snapshot of the early 90s; Elaine was super hot in this one, and it is easy to see why George fell in love as soon as he found out she left the dirty message; Elaine subsequently indirectly teasing George by walking in her bathrobe and doing the porn role play really funny; Ping chatting on the phone with the Chinese Institute always makes me laugh; George's obsession over Elaine leads to the funny moment where wipes the cream off his head and then puts it right back on when he finds out she isn't coming; Kramer's toenail discussion is our random Seinfeld non-sequitur of the week; Jerry's "Sheriff" line to George when he walks in with the hat has always been on of my favorites; The Abbot & Costello riff was well executed; Jerry selling out George immediately and all three leering at Elaine was a good wrap to the story.

What Didn't Work

Even though I enjoyed the storyline, watching George creepily sweat and lust over Elaine was a bit disturbing; Jerry's multi-colored sheen shirt was an atrocity, as was his date outfit; Jerry's cockney accent is terrible.

Key Character Debuts

Ping the Chinese Food Delivery Boy

Iconic Moments, Running Themes & Memorable Quotes

- "Imagine no would be like a nation of Supermen!" - Jerry
- George's struggles over a baldness cure begin
- "I had no idea you were filled with such...sexuality..." - George
- "In your movies, is the sex real or simulated?" - Kramer "Oh, it's always simulated...except with George, that's in my contract..." - Elaine
- "They got a billion people over there, he found a relative!" - George
- "They say you grow hair...look like Stalin!" - Ping
- "Listen, I know you are skeptical, but I really believe in the Chinese..." - George
- Kramer's stolen jacket storyline continues as the jacket owner was arrested for mail fraud and the location of the jacket is unknown
- "You stink!" - Kramer

Oddities & Fun Facts

- Jerry is drinking a Minute Maid juice box

Overall Grade (Scale 1-10)

Season Three continues to roll right along with another really strong episode. This one was much more contained, taking place solely between the coffee shop and Jerry's apartment, but still very effective. The key was that all of the storylines were relatable and simple. Oh, and also very, very dated. But that just adds to the charm. There were no iconic, laugh out loud parts to this, but there was really good delivery and timing throughout. I really enjoyed the George/Elaine pairing and I thought Kramer was at his best here, alternating between his video taping and questioning anything and everything. Plus...Porn Star Elaine. Final Grade: 6/10
