Justin's Ring of Honor Recap 7/6/13


We open with highlights of the main event post match from Best in the World. Both Briscoe Brothers were banged up pretty badly, and you can hear Kevin Kelly talk about those injuries on his most recent Place to Be Podcast, so check that out. After our opening animation, we head inside the Du Burns Arena in Baltimore for this week’s episode of ROH TV. Kelly and Steve Corino have the call for us, and KK again reiterates that both Briscoes were hurt and questions abound about the future of Mark and Jay. With that, it is time for our opening bout.

C&C Wrestle Factory vs. Alex Reynolds & John Silver
Reynolds & Silver are party boys from Long Island, we are told. I like the new set up here in the Du Burns, with the entrance way straight on instead of at an angle. C&C have an impending tag title shot coming up next week on TV. You can imagine how well that goes over with Corino. C&C dominate early as Corino mocks their shirts. Apparently Reynolds idea of partying is to gyrate behind Coleman while holding him in a pumphandle. Silver runs a distraction on Alexander, allowing Reynolds to snap him over the top rope and turn the tide. A lot of pondering who will make up Team ROH in the big steel cage showdown with SCUM and KK wonders if Mark Briscoe will be healthy in time to make the match. Corino continues to stump for Adam Cole. Silver & Reynolds are trying here, but they are way too over the top in their Indy mannerisms. C&C turn things around and the match breaks down. The camera pans up and we see ACH & TD Thomas watching the match from the aisle. Silver picks up a near fall with a nice bridge off a German suplex. CC finish off Silver with Overtime for the win. They continue to stay hot and they challenge reDRagon right here next week. That was a fine match, but Siler & Reynolds to focus on the in ring and not the goofy mannerisms.

When we return, Nigel McGuiness is in the ring and tells us that he was reminded why he loves ROH at BITW. He puts over the Briscoes for the match they put on and says they did everyone proud, including themselves. Corino snarks. Nigel tells us that Jay reinjured his shoulder and messed up his back and Mark suffered a serious concussion. Corino applauds. Mark will not be cleared to compete on Team ROH in steel cage warfare. Nigel wonders who will take Mark’s spot but Corino believes there should be no replacement because Mark’s injury wasn’t SCUM’s fault. And with that, Kevin Steen joins us. Steen isn’t here to complain about what happened at BITW, he just wants Nigel to put him on Team ROH because the company and fans need it. Nigel reminds Steen that he started SCUM and now Nigel is supposed to trust that Steen is back to restore honor to ROH? Steen isn’t looking for honor, he just wants payback and he can finish SCUM if Nigel grows a pair and puts him in the cage. Before Nigel can answer, Jacobs, Compton, Titus and Rhino hit the ring. Rhino! Where the hell has he been? SCUM attacks and beats Steen down, but this time ROH is there for the save as BJ Whitmer, Michael Elgin and Jay Lethal come out, triggering a wild brawl as we head to break.

See, this is my continued issue with ROH TV. They assume everyone watching the TV follows the website and other news outlets. I had no idea what steel cage warfare was, when it is or that Team ROH had already been decided. Say what you want about WWE, but they make sure you know every major angle and storyline that is going on. ROH eventually explains things, but half the episode of TV is over before you can piece together what is going on. I shall now descend the soapbox.
Kids, text “ROH” to “TODAY” for an exclusive picture of reDRagon…but ask your parents first!

Veda Scott vs. MsChif
Hey, it’s a rare women’s match not buried in the final pre-PPV week of TV. KK tells us that Veda is a college-educated lawyer that has passed the bar, but turned to wrestling instead. I had no idea Veda was from Providence. The match starts out on the floor as MsChif tosses Veda around, sending her crashing into the steel a couple of times. Corino drops a “right in the babymaker” which silences KK. MsChif gets a near fall back in the ring as KK tells us that MsChif feels Veda is disrespecting women’s wrestling by attempting to compete instead of sticking to interviewing. Veda comes back with some kicks in the corner, followed by a toss into the turnbuckles. Veda crashes into MsChif, who is seated in the corner, with a cross body and careens out to the floor off the collision. Outside, MsChif snaps Veda over with a German, but Scott survives. Veda won’t go down easy, landing a Saito Suplex for two and the surviving a MsChif sky high powerbomb and Desecrator. Veda ends up on the turnbuckles, which allows MsChif to snap her to the mat with Obliteration for the win. Corino wins the night though: “I guess she won’t be making dinner tonight!” Nice showing by Veda, but MsChif outlasts the underdog. Corino notes that Veda is out of steel cage mayhem.

RI Dolls! King of Queens! Steel Cage Mayhem!

Silas Young vs. Adam Page
Yes! Silas has returned! He is embarrassed to have to follow a woman’s match because this is a man’s business! He is the last real man in pro wrestling and he is going to prove it, starting with Adam Page. He mocks Page’s hair and it is on. I love me some Silas. KK thinks Silas is straight out of 1954, which is endearing, I think. Page’s family owns a tobacco farm in Virginia and he has a degree from Virginia Tech at just 21 years old. Corino loves West Texas State. Silas dumps Page to the floor and comes out with a cross body, but Page meets him with one of his own for a nasty collision. Page sends Silas hard into the guardrail. They fight on the apron until Silas runs Page into the post. These guys are beating the piss out of each other. This is what I meant when I said ROH needed some fresh talent and matchups. Page puts Silas on top of the guardrail and then takes him off with a superplex! Holy shit! Corino: “I may have just peed myself!” Me too, Steve. The fans are all sorts of fired up. Back inside, Page hits a high cross body for a near fall. After a few counters, Silas catches Page with a backbreaker for two. They work some more counters that end with Page rolling through Silas and stealing the win with a victory roll. And Silas beats the piss out of Page after the bell. Love it. That was a hell of a match and I hope these two guys stick around full-time because they can breathe some needed fresh air into ROH. What a fight.

ROH TV is coming to Providence in three weeks. I will be there. Brad Woodling, Andy Flanagan and Mark Poirier will be too. You should as well, if you can!

Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Taven
Main event time, as Edwards is looking to capture the TV title for the second time. EE was the first ever TV champ in ROH. Truth Martini leads out the Hotties and Matt Taven. On July 11 in Chicago, ROH will be uncensored for a “Night of Hoopla”. KK reminds us of the fifteen-minute time limit, which raises any knowledgeable wrestling fan’s sensors. Taven ends up in the Tree of Woe, but hanging on the outside of the ring instead of inside. EE capitalizes with a dropkick to knock him loose. EE lights him up with chops outside as well. Taven gets an assist from Truth to turn things around and knock EE to the floor. Taven controls through a break, slowing EE way down but comes up empty on a frog splash. EE comes back with more chops, which Corino takes issue with. EE clotheslines Taven to the floor after he skins the cat. He follows that with a somersault senton onto Taven. Back into the ring, EE clocks Taven with a shining wizard for two. Taven comes back with a kick to the back of the head and an angel’s wings for two. EE comes off the middle rope, but Taven catches him with a codebreaker. EE stays alive. Both men end up fighting on the top buckle, but as they slump down, EE kicks Taven in the face. EE follows with a double stomp to the back for two. EE turns that into the Achilles lock. Truth runs interference, but EE avoids a belt shot. After more interference from the hotties, Taven hits his finisher for the win. Again, Taven needs a million gimmicks to eek out a match. Not the best showing for him, as I feel we never see the guy on offense. And when we do, it doesn’t seem to click. And when he wins, it’s always with a bunch of help. He just always seems hesitant. Something is still missing with Taven, and while I hope he figures it out, I am not sure he will before this push ends.

We saw lots of wrestling this week and very little storyline advancement, which was fine for a change of pace. Match of the night was easily Young/Page as the main event didn’t quite deliver what you may have expected and the opener was pretty basic stuff. The women’s match was fun as well. The framework for steel cage mayhem is set, and we will see how things evolve over the next two weeks. Until then, take care and respect the code.

Original Publish Date: July 2013
