JT's Replay: WCW Nitro 10/13/97

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WCW Nitro 10/13/97
Ice Palace
Tampa, FL

Hour 1

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Larry Zbyszko

- We waste no time firing up the show this week as we cut right inside the arena, where Voodoo Child is reverberating and the NWO is making its way to the ring...Randy Savage is in a neck brace...Tony reveals that the Outsiders must defend their titles against the Steiners tonight...Bischoff pimps Assault on Devil's Island and nudges the fans to bring the movie posters to MLB playoff games and WWF events...Bischoff and Hogan rip on Piper, saying he is out of control as commissioner and can't beat Hogan...apparently Piper stole Hogan's belt and still has it...Hogan doesn't like that Piper calls himself an icon...Bischoff wraps things up and they head out...Tony leads us to clips of Page laying out Savage last week

- Tony, Mike and Larry reset things and run through some of the hot topics before we head to the ring

- Psychosis vs. Eddie Guerrero (c) for the cruiserweight title...love the Psychosis music...Eddie now has his swank sleazy rudo heel theme too...Tony clarifies that the Disco/Jackie Havoc match will be non-title and Mike says it was ruled that way by the Nevada athletic commission...Sonny Onoo is missing at ringside...wild start to the match with a lot of flying from both men...if Eddie retains here, he rolls on to Havoc to face Mysterio...Psychosis hurts himself on a high risk move, giving Eddie control...the announcers think WCW has the momentum heading into Havoc...Eddie is so smooth...hits a superplex and a frog splash to win the match and retain his gold...Eddie tries to remove the mask after

- Mike Tenay brings us part three of his Lucha Libre special...this one focuses on the tradition of the masks...interviews with various luchadores talking about the importance of the masks

- Mean Gene is in the ring and he brings out Roddy Piper for a chat...Piper rebuts to Bischoff's statements earlier...Piper said Hogan doesn't deserve the World title so he has put it in good hands where Hogan won't find it...Piper confirms that the Outsiders must defend tonight or be stripped...Gene says it will be Syxx & Hall defending, so I guess Nash isn't here...that was quick and to the point

- The Nitro Girls dance for us as Tony recaps Piper's promo and runs down the rest of the card for tonight

- Lord Steven Regal vs. Steve McMichael...Regal looking portly here...Tony says we will have a big announcement regarding Debra, Mongo and JJ later tonight...nice pop for Mongo...clips from the backstage antics last week...Larry talks about the affect a bad love life can have on your career...Mongo was pretty over at this point...nice dichotomy in styles...Flair and Hennig has been signed for Havoc now...Mongo uses his power to control and eventually hits the Tombstone for the win...good victory for Mongo

- Gene is in the aisle with Debra...he says there is a rumor that Jeff Jarrett is no longer in WCW and Debra confirms it...Mongo comes over and rubs it in that Jarrett bolted...Mongo says Jarrett is a quitter and he tells Debra to get home and get in the kitchen where she can really be a star...Debra says she is the star in WCW and that the match will still happen at Havoc with a big surprise replacement

- Tony runs down this week's upcoming Saturday Night episode and then we head down to the ring

- Yuji Nagata vs. Chris Jericho...Nagata is with Sonny Onoo who says he hasn't been able to show Ultimo Dragon respect, so he has hooked up with the submission specialist Nagata to take out Dragon at Havoc...Nagata is aggressive and controls much of the match over Jericho...Onoo tries to get involved...Nagata gets the win with a reverse figure four...nice win for Yuji

- We get a promo by Raven sitting in an empty room being introspective about his youth and development...usual Raven stuff

- Bill Goldberg vs. Scotty Riggs...Goldberg now his familiar theme song...Raven is at ringside with Saturn and some other random dude that the announcers don't know...Tenay thinks the cult is growing...Larry says this is what Generation X is...Goldberg is running right through Riggs...Tony said Goldberg is starting to intimidate people based on his three wins...Tenay says Gene LaBell has contacted WCW about training Goldberg...Goldberg gets the easy win to go to 4-0

- Tony calls for Nitro Party tapes and runs through the contest rules

Hour 2

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- Steiner Brothers vs. Scott Hall & Syxx (c) for the tag team titles...Tony explains that Hall & Syxx are allowed to defend the titles because the Wolfpac is three men...Tenay talks about how the Steiners have deserved this rematch since winning a bout by DQ back at Road Wild...Hall grabs the mic and does the usual...Hall talks WCW stacking the deck by having Larry as the ref for his Havoc match and them now being forced into a title match while Nash is home injured...he said he is hard working and will go through with the title match...Steiners are out along with Ted DiBiase...Tenay says DiBiase will be important in sharing NWO strategy...fast brawling start and the crowd is rocking...usual slugfest as you would expect with these teams...Scott takes over the match and is red hot in the ring...DiBiase gets involved too...Steiners hit their finisher but Hall pulls the ref out and shoves him to the floor...Larry comes out to help things, the Steiners hit a bulldog and DDT and pick up the win at the hand of Larry to take home the gold...major win here and Tenay talks more about how WCW is continuing to gain momentum

- Nitro Girls dance as Tony talks more about what is still to come as well as future ticket sales

- Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio, Jr...we are back and heading to the ring as the announcers talk more about the tag title change...very celebratory mood in the booth tonight...talk about Havoc and the big Rey/Eddie match...Tony wonders if a Malenko win would force the committee to change the Havoc match...lots of near falls by both men...out of nowhere, Eddie comes in and rips off Rey's mask...Malenko hooks the Cloverleaf and Rey is too focused on covering his face to fight it so he gives up and Malenko wins...nice match and a good callback to Rey discussing his mask earlier in the Tenay special

- Video retrospective on DDP, talking about his goals and various WCW and NWO personalities...really good piece of character building and well shot and edited

- Gene is in the ring and once again brings out Roddy Piper...Piper says Larry was sanctioned as an official referee last week, so the tag title change stands...Piper is talking about his Havoc match but is interrupted by Savage and Bischoff...Eric says Piper was involved in the assault that hurt Savage...he questions Piper's style...Savage in the neckbrace is pretty funny...Bischoff wants Hogan's belt back in addition to the tag belts...the NWO troops come out and surround Piper...the crowd starts popping as Sting marches down the aisle...Sting cracks Piper with the baseball bat and Piper drops to the ground in pain...Sting pulls his mask off and reveals himself to be Hollywood Hogan...the gang attack continues as Hogan pounds on Piper's ribs and the crowd chants for Sting...Tony wants more WCW troops to come help...the beating continues as they cut to break

- We are back and Tony takes us to a video package about the Flair/Hennig Havoc match

- Scott Norton vs. Ray Traylor...the awesome B Team music is playing as Buff and Norton head out...Tony is bitter that WCW doesn't work as a unit like NWO does...this should be a stiff slugfest for sure...Bagwell does his usual taunting at ringside...Billy Kidman walks out and sits ringside with Raven and his crew...Kidman now has grunge attire and baggy eyes...Buff helps Norton throughout...Ray slugs his way back into it but Buff cracks him with the spraypaint can as Vincent distracts the ref and Norton gets the win...they stomp on Traylor and paint his back...more complaining about the lack of unison in WCW

- Alex Wright vs. Disco Inferno (c) for the TV title...Wright is out first as this issue continues to develop...Wright is all over Disco right off the bell, aggressively assaulting the champ...talk about Disco's development over the past year...pretty long match for these two...more Havoc talk...Jackie makes her way out to ringside...she gets on the apron and distracts Disco...Wright rolls him up from behind but Disco reverses it and wins the match to retain his title...nice little match and good to see Disco continue to roll on

- The Nitro Girls dance one last time before it's main event time

- Diamond Dallas Page vs. Curt Hennig (c) for the US title...Hennig is out first and is by himself surprisingly enough...Tony says that a title change here won't affect the set Havoc matches...I really loved WCW and Tony's attention to those sort of details...Page leaves Kimberly with the Nitro Girls as he powerwalks to the ring...slow start with some stalling as Tony recaps the night in regard to the NWO...Tenay says Hennig has been a fighting champion, defending each week since winning it...Tony tells us that Hennig was talking to Wade Boggs earlier tonight...Hennig controlling now with a lengthy heat segment...Page rallies back after a jawbreaker...cut to the aisle and security is fighting back a maniacal Ric Flair...Hennig is distracted and Page rolls him up to get the win and the gold...but Randy Anderson is shaking his head and saying Page is not the champ...we take a quick break

- Back from break, Randy Anderson is discussing things with Roddy Piper...Tony wants to throw fairness out and award the belt to Dallas...as they discuss things, the NWO hits the ring and starts beating down Piper and Page...no announcement on the title yet...Tony is yelling about needing help again...Savage is getting involved dropping elbows, basically showing his neck injury isn't quite that bad...still no WCW backup and Tony says they should be ashamed...Sting appears up in the crowd and stares at the ring...he finally makes his way through the fans to the ring...now there are multiple Stings coming through the crowd...the announcers are all confused about what is going on...the NWO just keeps cleaning out the fake Stings as they hit the ring one after the other...three more come down the aisle...must be at least eight at this point...the NWO just keeps picking them off until Buff runs into the real one by accident...he drops Buff and Hogan is crapping himself as he stands face to face...the NWO quickly bails as Tony says the NWO is cowards and chickens...he pumps up the title changes as we fade out...hot finish to a big show

Review Date: August 2011
