JT's Replay: WCW Nitro 10/27/97

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WCW Nitro 10/27/97
Cox Arena
San Diego, CA

Hour One

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- We open the show with clips of the end of Halloween Havoc with Tony narrating them and then we transition right inside the red hot Cox Arena...Tony tells us that the show will be three hours long tonight

- And as the announcers talk, Voodoo Child fills the air and Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff are sauntering down to the ring...more gushing about last night's show...Bischoff proudly announces that Hogan is still World Champ...Hogan says Piper is gone and in the hospital and now the word Icon won't be used so loosely any more...Hogan is pretty funny in his gloating...he challenges any WCW coward to come in and fight him...Eric says Hogan will be taking over TNT soon, with Assault on Devil's Island airing in the near future...Hogan will also takeover Hollywood with the film as well...the NWO is here for life...we get clips of Assault and that is that...hot opening promo

- We head to the announce booth for our official welcome...they talk about tonight's show and then go back to last night...Tony says Piper had a sleeper on Hogan and the bell sounded and that Piper really won the match last night, regardless of what Hogan has to say...Larry is in the building tonight after suffering a beating from the NWO last night...this crowd is really hot

- Rey Mysterio, Jr (c) vs. Dean Malenko for the Cruiserweight Title...the crowd explodes for Mysterio...Rey won the cruiser belt last night...Tenay puts over last night's match as one of the greatest in WCW history...Malenko looking to regain the gold he once held...lots of pimping for the Havoc encore so far...Tenay reminds us that Malenko defeated Rey two weeks back, which garnered him this shot...more talk about the Hogan/Piper fallout...the NWO was able to obtain their belt back, but that doesn't change the fact that Hogan lost the match...they then brutally beat down Piper after the match...Raven and his entourage, Stevie, Saturn, Kidman and Sick Boy, head to ringside...Dean is looking great tonight and really controlling things...he hits a nasty stomachbreaker off the middle rope on Rey for a near fall...Dean hits a snap powerbomb off a springboard but Rey is able to reverse the cloverleaf into a cradle and steal the win to retain...fun opener and Dean looked strong in there

- Tony sends us to the next installment of Mike Tenay's Lucha Libre video lesson...this week's segment talks about Lucha merchandise and how fans stay informed about the promotions...they also talk about the importance of family in the culture and business, with comments from a variety of luchadores...they talk about the passing of El Santo and the rise of the second generation of stars throughout the 80s

- The Nitro Girls are dressed for Halloween and dancing us back from break as Tony talks about upcoming live events

- La Parka vs. Glacier...Parka is out with his chair...we go back a couple of months to when Parka helped Psychosis defeat Glacier with aid from his chair...Assault premiers tomorrow night, so we get some more talk about that...Parka waves a Mexican flag before the match...Tenay talks about Parka's fan following...they brawl out to the floor and Glacier hits a pescado...Parka hits a stiff piledriver and Glacier looks shaken up...Glacier recovers and hits the cryonic kick for the victory...pretty good match

- Gene Okerlund is in the aisle and he brings out Diamond Dallas Page...Pages passes by Gene and goes to the ring instead...Gene joins him and talks about last night...Page says Hogan busted him in the ribs with a bat last night and that Savage knows he can't win one on one...he is tired of Hogan's garbage...he accepts Hogan's open challenge from earlier...Hogan has whacked him with a belt, crutches and a bat so it's time for Hogan to get whacked

- We are back from break and Gene is still in the ring...now he brings out Larry Zbyszko...the announcers all talk about how proud they are of how Larry did as referee last night...Larry did what he said he was going to do, but Scott Hall couldn't handle the pressure, so he had to attack Larry...Larry is tired of Hall, so he has a contract for the two of them to fight...that brings out Hall and Syxx...they stop on the ramp to talk...Hall says Larry isn't in the caliber of the Wolfpac...they say hi to Kevin Nash at home...Hall says he could come down right now and take Larry down...Hall says Larry couldn't even beat Bischoff in a match...we get footage of last night's attack on Larry...Hall and Syxx feign coming to the ring but they don't do it...Hall says Hollywood will be taking care of business later tonight...Larry is pretty awesome here

- We are back from break and the Nitro Girls are dancing as we check out Raven and his crew...Tony calls for Nitro Party tapes

- Stevie Ray vs. Lex Luger...Stevie and Jackie are out...Tony says we haven't seen Stevie in a while and then announces Hogan and Page will face in a non-title match tonight...Tenay says this is the biggest match in Page's career...talk about Jackie's match with Disco Inferno last night...Tenay thinks Disco had no game plan but Tony says they can't blame him for that...Tony talks about how Bill Goldberg now has Mongo's Super Bowl ring, thanks to Debra...Stevie was out with an Achilles injury...more talk about Larry and his ref job last night...Tony thinks the NWO has the mental advantage over Larry now...Stevie controls for a while but Lex comes back and tries for the rack, but Stevie blocks it...Stevie really holding his own...Lex gets a powerslam and the rack to win the match

- We get a video of Raven, sitting in a tree and pontificating as he is wont to do

Hour Two

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho...Eddie is out to kick off hour two...Tenay discusses Eddie's bitterness...Tony says Jericho hurt his neck last night in a match with Gedo and we see a clip of it, and it was a nasty bump...Jericho is taped up here...praise for the matches involving both these men last night...Eddie attacks the injured neck...Eddie vicious as usual...Jericho is gallant in hanging in here...Jericho misses a lionsault but stays alive and hits a nice superplex...really putting Jericho over strong here for his courage and guts...Jericho's shoulder is in pain and Eddie takes advantage and hits a great frog slash on to the back of Jericho for the win

- The Nitro Girls dance as Tony runs down some more upcoming events and then plugs the Nitro Girls' website

- Fit Finlay vs. Chris Benoit...this should be a war...Tenay tells us about Finlay and says these two are mirror images...they bust the stiff strikes out immediately...they spill out to the floor and the brawl kicks up a notch...Benoit eventually hits the diving headbutt and gets the win...very stiff match...the headbutt hit flush in Finlay's jaw too, pretty nasty to watch

- We are back and visiting the booth...talking about the night's results thus far and what is still to come...we also get stills from last night's show

- Gene is in the aisle and he brings out Ric Flair...Flair said it was tough sitting home and watching Hogan and Hennig parade around in his robe over the last month...Flair came close to finishing Hennig's career last night...he says Hogan will take the Diamond Cutter tonight...Flair then says he will end Savage and give Liz a ride on Space Mountain...vintage Flair

- Scotty Riggs vs. Raven...this is Raven's first Nitro match...he comes out from the crowd for the match...his entourage comes to the ring with him...Tenay says the group is like a Flock and that Raven has them all in a trance...Stevie has the mic and says Raven refuses to sign a WCW contract, so the only way he will wrestle is if the referee makes it a no-DQ match...Nick Patrick and Scotty Riggs agree to it...Raven says there is no need to fight and says Riggs hasn't won in six months, but inside there was potential to be a great athlete but there are also demons...Raven tells Riggs to come with them and he will set him free...Riggs turns down the offer...Raven tells him he had his chance...Tony says Raven has a lot of anger in his heart...Raven dominates Riggs immediately...fans chant for ECW...Saturn tosses a chair in the ring...Raven sets the chair up and he sends Riggs into it eye first with a drop toehold...Riggs is crying in pain, holding his eye...Kidman gets in the ring to check on Riggs, but Raven throws him out of the ring, and Kidman just goes back to his seat...Riggs is being tended to and that is the end of the match...great segment

- Nitro Girls dance for us again as Tony runs down more live shows

- Diamond Dallas Page vs. Hollywood Hogan in a non title match...Michael Buffer is in the house for this one...crowd is fired up...Page's ribs are taped up...crowd is buzzing for this one...talk about last night's show and the rough shape Page is in...also talk about how Piper beat Hogan last night...focus is on Page's ribs as you would expect...Page frustrates Hogan with a Cutter attempt...Tony and Bobby think the NWO is showing fear when it comes to Sting and now Page...Hogan tosses Page out of the ring and he careens into the guard rail ribs first...they talk about how Hogan competing in this big of a match on Nitro is a big deal...Heenan says it comes down to ego even though he is a coward and because he lost last night, that is why he wanted to wrestle tonight...Bobby also says Page should have waited until he was healed to have this match...Hogan has really taken over now, punishing Page...Page gets a second wind and is all over Hogan, who is trying to escape...Hogan hits the big boot but Page avoids the legdrop...a Sting comes out and gets into the ring but Page grabs him and hits the Cutter...Randy Anderson calls for the DQ...Hogan starts abusing Page with his weight belt...the NWO troops run out to join in the beatdown...Tenay is pissed that no WCW stars are coming to help...we pan to the crowd and see another Sting coming down through the fans...it is the real Sting...he gets in the ring and the NWO scatters...Sting takes out Vincent...the NWO pounces but Sting fights them all off...Hogan and Sting stare down and the NWO retreats, but Hall is left behind and he eats a Death Drop...same for Hennig as we go to break...good match and a red hot post-match

Hour Three

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- We are already in the middle of hour three, but we are welcome there anyway...we still have three title matches left

- Disco Inferno (c) vs. Bill Goldberg for the TV Title...Disco is out first and we get some more talk about his match last night...fans are starting to cheer Goldberg, even though he has been presented as a heel...Alex Wright jumps Goldberg from behind, but Goldberg quickly swats him off and drops him with the jackhammer...Goldberg wipes out Disco with a spear and hits the jackhammer...Tenay points out that the bell never rang...Mongo comes out and he brawls with Goldberg...security is out but it looks like we will have no match...Mongo is pissed about his ring

- Back from break and Hogan and Bischoff are coming back out to the ring...Bischoff says Sting is afraid of Hogan and Hogan says he is the man...he says they are on a roll and that DDP isn't in his league and that Sting is afraid of Hogan...Hogan tells Sting to meet him and he will have a contract waiting for him in Las Vegas for the premier of his movie...they plug Assault one more time and that is that for Hogan

- Steiner Brothers (c) vs. Public Enemy for the tag team titles...Tony says we are finally on the verge of a Hogan/Sting match being signed...Gene stops Steiners and DiBiase in the aisle to talk about the hot streak of the Steiners...Scott thanks WCW and the fans for believing in them when they were struggling...they were happy to beat the NWO at their own game...DiBiase thanks the Steiners for putting their trust in him...he says the Steiners have an open contract to defend the titles...they head off to the ring...Tony talks more about the Hogan/Sting contract situation...WCW will have cameras in Vegas tomorrow night to see if Sting shows up...they will break in throughout the movie to cover the potential contract signing...man, they were shrewd, smart way to get people to watch that movie...Public Enemy is out, but the talk is all focused on Hogan and Sting...Tony tells us all to tune in tomorrow to see what happens...Tenay says he will be in Vegas tomorrow and Bobby says he will now be too...Tenay thinks Hogan has fallen into Sting's trap...Tony apologizes for not calling the match, but all he can think about is the Hogan/Sting situation...they are certainly making this into a huge deal, so big kudos there...Tenay now says Gene is also changing his plans and will now be in Vegas tomorrow...Tenay hopes this is what could finally put WCW back in control...Bobby says there is no doubt that Sting will sign...the Steiners win with the top rope bulldog to retain

- Booker T vs. Curt Hennig (c) for the US Title...Booker has had a strong run as a singles star and is granted a title match here...he is out alone...Tony says the contract signing tomorrow will be bigger than the World Series Game Seven, which is also tomorrow night...this whole match is just another backdrop for more pimping of the movie and contract signing tomorrow night, not that there's anything wrong with that...Liz comes down to ringside now and Tony says she has been getting more involved in matches lately...Savage is out now too...Liz distracts the ref and Savage gets in the ring to break up the match...Flair is out too and the ref calls for the bell...a big brawl breaks out and we go to break

- The copy I have cuts out there, sadly, but Ric Flair defeated Randy Savage by DQ to close out the show...this was a wild episode and very big historically...the crowd was molten hot and I really do like the way they put so much into the Hogan/Sting signing...they really knew how to promote those big matches

Review Date: August 2011
