JT's Replay: WCW Nitro 10/6/97

WCW Nitro 10/6/97
Target Center
Minneapolis, MN

Hour 1

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Larry Zbyszko

- We open with a graphic memorializing Brian Pillman, who passed away the night before

- Tony welcomes us to wrestling's number one program and the Nitro Girls dance as he runs down the program for us

- Voodoo Child fills in the arena air as Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff saunter to the ring...Hogan says he has been out here every week defending the title but Sting is too afraid to show up and face him...the one week he is overseas, Sting showed his face...Bischoff says they have already taken over wrestling on Turner, and now they are taking over movies...we get clips from Assault on Devil's Island, which is Hogan's new TV movie...Hogan talks about the superior NWO product and then calls out Piper, who is supposed to be in the arena tonight...he closes it out, hits the poses and that is that

- Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T...time for our opener...Debra with JJ and Booker is with Jacqueline...talk about Debra's issue with Mongo...Larry thinks Debra got a taste of Mongo's success and now wants her own...Tony says Mongo hasn't been the same since...Tenay is curious to see how Booker can do on his own...Tony tells us Ric Flair is in town but is unsure if he will show up in the arena...crowd is really into Booker...talk about JJ's veteran knowledge against Booker's strength...talk about JJ facing Mongo at Havoc...Booker is being really aggressive...good analysis by Larry about the psychology behind singles and tag competition...talk about Jackie's issue with Disco Inferno...really good back and forth pacing here...Mongo charges out and starts yelling at Debra...she smacks Mongo in the face but Mongo turns and smacks JJ...back in the ring, Booker takes advantage and gets the win...hot match with a fun atmosphere...good build for Mongo/JJ too

- Larry talks smack to Macho Man about his match coming up tonight, offering him some Ben Gay...funny stuff

- Alex Wright vs. Billy Kidman...talk about Kidman's upset wins on Saturday Night, one of which was over Wright...Tenay talks about Wright's losing streak...talk about how the two are the same age but Wright has more experience...Raven and Perry Saturn are in the crowd...Tenay explains who Saturn is...backstage, Mongo and Debra are arguing with JJ involved as well...some talk about the Flair and Hennig situation...Tenay remarks that Saturn is sitting next to Raven instead of behind him like Stevie usually does...Tenay also talks about Raven's ability to attract a cult following...these guys are getting a decent chunk of time...Kidman seems distracted by Raven a bit, but Larry thinks he is just nervous...Wright hits the German and gets back on the winning track

- The Nitro Girls are dancing as Tony talks about a Nitro Party in Orlando at the Clarion Hotel and then issues the call for Party tapes

- Mortis vs. Ernest Miller...Mortis is led out by James Vandenberg...love the Mortis theme music...this is Miller's first Nitro singles match as he usually teams with Glacier...talk about Miller's karate background...Tenay says Mortis is the most difficult wrestler to scout because he changes his moveset every match...Tony announces that Disco has signed to face Jacqueline with the TV Title on the line at Havoc...Larry is speechless...Cat picks up the big win with the Feliner, his biggest to date

- NWO Paid Announcement...Page smear piece putting over Savage...good stuff as usual

Hour 2

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- Tony takes us back to two weeks ago when Scott Hall was upset by Hector Garza...and Hall now wants payback

- Scott Hall vs. Hector Garza...Hall is with Syxx...no longer has crutches, but his ribs are now taped up...they don't buy the rib injury at all...Hall does the usual, another one for the good guys...Hall says Nash is home rehabbing a knee injury and that he is also severely injured and says the average man would be hospitalized by now...Hall says they both got hurt at the same time because they were laughing too hard watching old Larry Z tapes...Hall says Luger and Page sit around at home while the NWO carries the load...good stuff by Hall...Garza finally makes his way out for our match...Hall teases the ref and the announcers do not like the way the refs are treated by the NWO...crowd behind Hall as expected...Hall continues to bully the ref, really building the heat for his Havoc match with Larry as the ref...Syxx works over Garza as Hall distracts the ref...Hall gets the easy win but the ref abuse continues as Hall puts Dickinson in the Torture Rack and then spraypaint him

- The announcers talk about Ric Flair being in town and then discuss Bill Goldberg...Bobby thinks Goldberg will be a star and Tony wonders what he is trying to hide by dodging Okerlund each week...now we get clips of his wins

- The Nitro Girls are getting jiggy once again...Tony shills some tickets and then we head back to the ring

- Diamond Dallas Page vs. Disco Inferno (c) for the TV Title...Disco is out first...talk about Disco's match with Jackie and Page's match with Savage at Havoc...Disco dodges an early Cutter...Disco doing well, hanging in with Page...announcers really put over Disco's maturity in the ring...Page comes back and sets up the Cutter, but Savage hits the ring and beats Page down, drawing the DQ...Disco retains...Savage batters Page all around the ring...Piper comes out and stops Savage before he can do more damage...Page takes advantage and drops Savage with a Cutter on the concrete...Page and Piper take off and Savage is in pain...the NWO comes out to check on Macho...Liz in in tears as they bring a stretcher out to cart Savage off as he isn't moving...the fans sing Savage off as Tony says they can't feel bad about any of this

- After a break, Gene is in the ring and the fans are fired up...he brings out Roddy Piper for a chat...Piper calls the NWO a bunch of liars that constantly make stuff up...we get clips of Piper beating up Hall from Slamboree...Piper decrees that the Outsiders must defend their titles next week or else they will be stripped...he also makes the Havoc Page/Savage match a Death Match...the cheers turn to boos as Hogan and Bischoff hit the ring to confront Piper...Hogan wants to know why Piper thinks he can call all the shots...Piper can never be an icon as long as Hogan still exists...Hogan says Piper has stood in his shadow for fifteen years and everyone is here because of him...Hogan is going to send Piper home once and for all...great promo by Hogan here...Bischoff kicks Piper's knee and Hogan pounces and pounds on him...Piper gets back into it and it turns into a fairly even brawl...the NWO hits the ring and they try to pull Hogan out...Piper has the belt as the NWO stands outside

- Tony tells us that the JJ/Mongo match at Havoc has the stip that Debra has to leave WCW if Mongo wins...we then take a look at Mike Tenay's first Lucha Libre lesson video package...this one talks about the origins and development of lucha and masked wrestlers and the current landscape in Mexico

- Ultimo Dragon vs. Eddie Guerrero (c) for the Cruiserweight Title...talk about Eddie's influence in Mexico and the US...Tony announces that Savage is out of tonight's main event against Chris Benoit and taking his place will be Curt Hennig...Eddie is set to face Rey Mysterio at Havoc, but if Dragon wins, he takes that slot...lots of back and forth here...talk about Piper/Hogan...Dragon eventually locks the Dragon Sleeper but Eddie gets the ropes...Eddie comes back with a good DDT and finishes with the frog splash...very good match...Eddie moves on to Havoc and Mysterio

- We get footage from Saturday Night when Benoit and Hennig wrestled...the troops hit the ring and they all put a beating on Benoit, leaving him laid out...and that leads to our main event

- Chris Benoit vs. Curt Hennig (c) for the US Title...the Horsemen are now dismantled, but the announcers talk about Benoit looking for revenge for Flair...Benoit jumps Hennig as he comes out and the war is on...Benoit just beating Hennig all over the place...Hennig finally turns the match around by working over Benoit's knee...after a good heat segment, Benoit comes firing back, again battering Hennig...Hennig eventually runs Benoit into the exposed buckle and hits the Hennig-Plex for the win...fun main event

- Vincent and Scott Norton hop in the ring and start putting the boots to Benoit...Ric Flair comes charging out at Hennig to a massive pop...Hennig bails and runs off as security tries to step in front of Flair...we cut backstage where Flair is stalking Hennig, who is running down the street in downtown Minneapolis...Flair stalks back to the arena and the fans are all fired up...Gene awaits him in the aisle and they make their way to the ring and away we go...Flair calls out the whole NWO and runs down everything he has been through in his career...Flair says its not about politics or being the best...Flair says he will take out Hennig at Havoc whether it's an official match or not...if he doesn't get him before that...he isn't coming to wrestle, he is coming to hurt Hennig...then he will take out Hogan too...awesome promo by Natch to wrap up a hot edition of Nitro...see you next week!

Review Date: August 2011
