JT's Replay: WCW Nitro 11/10/97

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WCW Nitro 11/10/97
Mid South Coliseum
Memphis, TN

Hour One

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Larry Zbyszko

- We open inside the arena and the NWO music is already blaring as the whole crew heads down to the ring...they all have Canadian flags in their grasps as they march down the aisle...Tony, Larry and Mike are all perplexed about the flags and curious about the surprise...Hall and Nash are not out...Eric says they have two special announcements for us tonight...Eric gives Nash a big intro and Syxx is pushing him out in a wheelchair but when they get to ringside, he gets up and walks into the ring...they are really pushing a feud with Nash and Giant...crowd is red hot as Nash takes the mic...he has sat home and listened to Giant talk every week and he would love to give him the beating of his life but he doesn't work for free, so if Giant wants to fight it needs to be in the WW3 battle royal...crowd chanting for Sting...Eric says he feels like the luckiest man in the world because he gets to spend a billionaire's money to surround himself with the biggest names in the sport...Eric says Bret Hart is the newest addition to the NWO and they call him a "knock out guy" and Hogan says he passed his initiation already...they wave the flags and butcher O Canada in a funny bit...Larry says there is no way Bret would join NWO...Hennig crooning the anthem is pretty good...Larry doesn't know if this is serious or mocking...Tony, Mike and Larry put Bret over big

- We get the opening animation and then the announcers try to digest this information...Tenay says Bret is not a quitter and would never give up...they can't understand why Bret would want to be with the NWO...Larry says not to rush to conclusions because Eric tends to lie

- Gene Okerlund is in the aisle and pimps his hotline...teases a confrontation between Bret Hart and a promoter in Canada last night...basically just a hotline ad

- Lord Steven Regal & Dave Taylor vs. Harlem Heat...Tony runs down tonight's huge card...first time we have seen Heat together in a while...lots of talk about Hart as well as Nash and Giant...Tenay thinks Giant and Nash are the favorites for WW3...this is a rematch from WCWSN when Regal & Taylor won the bout, but it was reversed thanks to Chris Adams telling the ref that they had cheated...this crowd is smoking tonight...after mis-communication between Heat, Taylor is able to pin Stevie for the major upset

- The Nitro Girls dance us in from break as Tony talks about Starrcade tickets...we then get clips of Saturn winning the TV title last week...Tenay puts Saturn over big

- Disco Inferno vs. Chris Jericho...Tony says Disco and Saturn will wrestle at WW3 for the gold...Jericho jumps Disco off the bell and starts to pummel him...Jericho dominates the match and wins it with the Liontamer...at ringside, Kidman throws a drink at Disco, so Disco wipes him out...Sick Boy nails Disco and Saturn takes him out...Scotty Riggs comes down and wants to hit Raven, but Sick Boy and Saturn grab his arms as Raven gets in his face...they release Riggs and it seems like Riggs is entranced by Raven, never laying a hand on him

- Barbarian vs. Glacier...we are back and Barbarian and Glacier are wrestling in the ring...Jimmy Hart comes marching down the aisle dressed in black...Tenay says we haven't seen Jimmy in weeks...Jimmy starts really getting into the match and advising Barbarian, who takes control of the bout...Jimmy gets on the apron but gets kicked by Glacier...that allows Barbarian to wipe out Glacier and go up top, but Glacier kicks him on the way down and gets the win...now Meng comes down and hooks the Tongan death grip on Glacier...looks like a new push for the Faces of Fear

- We get a generic WW3 video, going over all the possibilities for the various competitors

- Raven hops in the ring with the whole Flock behind him...he apologized to Riggs for the damage he did to his eye...for those not smart enough to pick up on his message, he wants to go over it again...he had a tortured childhood, always picked on and bullied but now, he is taking in all the unwanted mutant dregs to stand beside him and help him gain vengeance against his tormentors...we made Raven what he is, so don't blame him...great promo there...there is a giant man in the ring and Tenay says it looks like Van Hammer, but he isn't positive

- We get a video package recapping the Goldberg/Mongo feud

- Yuji Nagata vs. Alex Wright...Sonny is with Nagata and Debra leads down Wright...Tony announces that Starrcade tickets will go on sale this Saturday...Tony says Ultimo Dragon will return at WW3 to face Nagata and if he wins he gets five minutes with Sonny...Wright controls but keeps dancing, angering Larry...Sonny gives Debra some Yen and then kisses her, but Debra smacks him...Nagata hooks the Nagatalock and gets the win...Debra keeps the money, pissing off Onoo

Hour Two

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- Hour Two kicks off with Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff coming down to the ring...Eric said someone left a movie poster in his locker room and it is a poster of a move that Sting is in...Eric is pissed that Sting is trying to get into Hollywood...Hogan says Sting is a Hogan wannabe...Hogan says he controls the business and he calls Sting out tonight...announcers are flipping out about the challenge...they keep baiting Sting, but he doesn't show so they leave the ring

- The announcers recap some of tonight's action...Bobby is sick about Bret joining the NWO

- Chris Benoit vs. Saturn for the TV title...talk about how Sting has gotten under Hogan's skin and rattled him...Bobby says Hogan has been jealous of Sting since he got to WCW...Tenay says there is talk about a Toughman division in WCW...Tony talks about how guys that don't get title matches due to politics have a shot to earn one at WW3...this is a stiff war as you would expect...the Flock gets in the ring and Benoit starts cleaning house, including hooking the crossface on Saturn...Finlay comes out now and takes out Benoit...wild brawl here...no decision, obviously...the Flock picks apart Benoit as Tony confirms the big man to be Van Hammer

- The Nitro Girls dance for us as Tony calls for Nitro Party tapes...Gene is in the aisle and he brings out Ric Flair for their weekly chat...Flair will win at WW3 and disable Curt Hennig and he will dismantle Lex Luger tonight...he is the greatest performer of all time and the WW3 countdown starts tonight...he will take out the whole NWO...he will beat Hennig, win WW3 and celebrate with all night party with the Nitro Girls

- Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, Jr (c) for the Cruiserwight title...Tony talks about WW3 and says guys that wrestle smart, like Rey, can win it...Tenay says their Havoc match has been considered the MOTY by many so far...hot match as usual here with lots of WW3 strategy talk...Tenay says Rey has beaten Eddie in three straight matches...these two are set to fight again for the belt at WW3...Rey tries a springboard but Eddie spikes him across the top rope...Eddie goes up and hits the frog splash to win the title...very good match and a big win for Eddie...Dean Malenko comes out now and stares down Eddie and that's that

- We get a clip of a Nitro Party during rush week at UTC, the winner of a Nitro Party Pack

- Randy Savage vs. Ray Traylor...Savage & Liz make their way out...this should be a solid battle...Traylor is all over Savage early, really beating him around...Traylor smashes Savage with a chair on the floor, really taking out his frustrations...Traylor looks dominant here as we get more Bret Hart, Hogan and Sting talk...Liz hooks Ray's foot, as Tenay says she has been more involved lately...Savage takes advantage, turns the tide, slams Traylor and hits the big elbow for the win...Liz runs to the back as Savage hits another big elbow...she comes back with spraypaint...third elbow and the ref gets tossed...fourth elbow and Traylor is hurting...Liz has the paint and sprays Traylor before they both head off...Tony is given a note that the match was reversed because of the attack and Traylor is the winner

- The Nitro Girls get down as Tony pimps the Starrcade tickets again

- Curt Hennig (c) vs. Diamond Dallas Page for the US Title...this is Page's rematch from a few weeks ago when it looked like Page had won the US title...they debate if the Diamond Cutter can be effective in WW3...Page smacks Hennig around...they talk about how Page's ribs may never heal if he doesn't rest them...Hennig dodges a Cutter...Tony wonders if Hennig is starting to fear WCW wrestlers after being linked with NWO instead of relying on his great skill...Hennig zeroes in on Page's ribs...they put over Sting's strategy and say Hogan must be worried...Tony says the worst thing you can do to Hogan is bruise his ego...Page wakes up and fires up the crowd and starts to run through Hennig...Hennig avoids another Cutter attempt...Hennig grabs the belt and hits Page in the ribs to draw the DQ...Page fights back and Hennig bails

- Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger...main event time...this stems from last week when Flair cost Luger the US title inadvertently...talk about Lex's success in WW3 last year...lots of WW3 talk...Luger and Flair trade strikes early...Tenay wants another week before making his WW3 pick...Flair starts working the leg...Flair gets the figure four...Lex is able to turn it over and Flair gets the ropes...Tony said we are getting another Hogan statement after this match...Luger has really been punishing Flair's back, including a nice superplex...he hits a powerslam but Hennig comes down and attacks Flair before Lex can get the rack...the ref calls for a DQ...Flair battles back and he and Hennig brawl all around the ring

- We are back from break and the NWO theme is playing just one more time as Hogan & Bischoff strut to the ring...Hogan again calls out Sting so he can crucify him in the ring, well then...they keep calling Sting a coward...the fans are chanting for Sting...and on cue he rappels from the ceiling into the aisle and marches to the ring...Sting throws down his bat and they stare down in the ring...Heenan is great ripping on Hogan...Savage comes out and that allows Hogan to jump Sting...the rest of the troops come out and grab Sting's bat...they hold up Sting so Hogan can pound on him...Hogan hits a pair of legdrops as Bischoff starts to do commentary from the ring...good finish as the NWO finally gets some heat on Sting...see you next week!

Review Date: August 2011
