JT's Replay: WCW Nitro 11/24/97

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WCW Nitro 11/24/97
Civic Center
Saginaw, MI

Hour One

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Larry Zbyszko

- We open right with our animation and then head into the arena for wrestling's hottest weekly program...we cut right backstage where the NWO is hanging out and walking around and seem to be in a good mood...the NWO theme fires up and the whole crew makes its way out to the ring...Tony tells us Scott Hall won WW3 with some help from Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hogan...Larry says the NWO was united last night and that is how they pulled it off and that WCW needs to act the same way...Hogan grabs a "Bischoff Owns Vince" sign from the crowd and brings it into the ring...Bischoff gives a shout out to Curt Hennig, for retaining his US title, and Scott Hall for winning WW3...Hogan says he has control of the NWO and that they took over WW3 thanks to Hall and the deck is now stacked...Hogan issues an open challenge for a title shot here tonight...Giant and JJ Dillon come out on the ramp and Giant accepts the open challenge...Hogan accepts but Dillon won't permit Giant the match due to his messed up hand, which in a cast...Giant says he will sign anything to let him compete...Dillon allows it if Giant indemnifies WCW of responsibility...Giant agrees

- Tony, Larry and Mike break down the previous segment

- Disorderly Conduct vs. Steiner Brothers for WCW Tag Team Titles...DC actually gets an entrance with some fun jazzy music that does not fit at all...Steiners and DiBiase are out next with their gold...DC attack off the bell, but the Steiners quickly beat them down...Steiners regained their titles last night...Tony says they are the real world tag champs, despite the Outsiders making fake belts...Tony runs down tonight's card and other business as the Steiners dominate things in the ring...Steiners win it easily to retain the straps

- The Nitro Girls dance us back from break as Tony shills Nitro tickets for the big Georgia Dome special on January 5...he also calls for Nitro Party tapes

- Meng vs. Booker T...should be a good match here...get a clip of Lee Marshall and Chris Jericho chatting on wcwwrestling.com...Tony says he thinks if Hogan were to lose his belt tonight, he would face Sting at Starrcade anyway...announcers really put over Booker strong, talking about his stamina and speed as well...Booker rolls up Meng and steals the win, derailing Meng's hot streak...Meng locks on the Death Grip after the bell...Stevie Ray comes out and bashes Meng with a chair, but he doesn't release the hold...Barbarian comes out and kicks Ray down and Meng hooks the Grip on him now...wild post match brawl here...love the FOF

- Tony gives us highlights of WW3 with some stills to help narrate the match between Raven and Scotty Riggs...Raven kept hitting Riggs with the DDT and then the Flock carried Riggs to the back...JJ Dillon has given Raven an ultimatum to join WCW or go away and he has until tonight to give his answer...Larry then talks about his open contract as well...now we hear Dillon's comments about the Raven situation from last night

- Gene Okerlund is in the aisle with JJ Dillon...they walk over to Raven at ringside...JJ said he gave Raven a contract last night...he also says a courier has returned that signed contract to his offices today...now Scotty Riggs comes out, still wearing an eye patch, climbs over the railing and joins the Flock...Raven says he signed the contract but put his own stipulations in there as well...he can sit where he wants, wrestle when, who and how he wants, meaning no DQ, and he will be paid what he wants...JJ isn't thrilled with the stipulations, but Raven is officially under contract

- Chris Benoit vs. Raven...the announcers try to figure out what the deal is with Riggs now joining the Flock after weeks of refusals...they wonder if he brainwashed...this should be a good battle...Raven still sitting ringside ringside, but pulls Sick Boy over the railing instead and sends him into the ring...so, we have Benoit against Sick Boy now instead...more talk about how Raven doesn't conform to WCW or society and how odd he is...Sick Boy getting some decent offense in here, impressing everyone...Benoit unleashes his chops as he fights back...Benoit calls out for Raven, who is just sitting in his seat, staring blankly...they brawl out to the floor but the Flock is running distractions...Sick Boy is impressing the announcers here...Benoit hits the headbutt but the Flock hits the ring...he fights them all off and locks the crossface on Sick Boy for the win...the numbers finally overwhelm him and once Benoit is down, Raven comes in as well...Saturn hooks the Rings...good heat here

- NWO Paid Announcement...Hall talking smack to Larry

- Larry marches to the ring and issues a challenge to Scott Hall once again...he calls Hall out so he can wipe the mat with his face like he did ten years ago...the NWO music fires up, but leaflets fall from the ceiling, raining over Larry as he yells in the ring...the paper is a picture of Eric Bischoff standing on Larry's back from Halloween Havoc...Larry keeps calling for Hall...now Bischoff comes out...Eric says Hall made history last night, and that Hall and Nash are busy defending their titles all over the world...plus Larry is an announcer, and used to be a wrestler that wasn't even very good...Eric says Larry can't beat him and he is 2-0 against Larry...Larry tells Eric to fight him if he is so tough...Eric says Larry is too ugly, fat and slow and he agrees to the match...Larry wants to fight now and charges into the aisle, but security gets between the two men...crowd chants for Larry...Larry says he will have JJ work it up and Eric just says "Bite Me"

Hour Two

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Bobby Heenan

- The Nitro Girls dance us back from our break as Tony runs down the upcoming live events schedule...Tony, Mike and Bobby talk shop, focusing on our big main event later tonight...Tony talks about the NWO hot streak that is going on

- Prince Iaukea vs. Alex Wright...Tony says Prince has been touring Japan and has just returned...Wright & Debra head down as Bobby and Tony put over the experience Price has gained in Japan...talk about last night's happenings with Mongo, Goldberg and Wright...Mongo knocked Goldberg out with a pipe in the locker room and got his Super Bowl ring back and the Debra made Wright face Mongo instead and Mongo beat him...talk about Hogan/Giant and the Starrcade ramifications as well how Wright being forced to wrestle last night may have affected his WW3 chances...Prince is more aggressive here, and they attribute that to his Japan experience...Debra up on the apron but Wright tells her to get down...they continue to argue and it is causing Wright to ignore Prince...Debra's dress is caught in the turnbuckle and she can't get down but Wright keeps demanding she go away...the distraction allows Prince to hit a high cross body for the upset win...Wright officially fires Debra and says he will do things his way

- Disco Inferno vs. Randy Savage...Disco is out first, dancing his way to the ring...Disco passes by the Flock as we see a new Flock member holding up signs and jawing at the camera...Bobby talks about how Disco continues to improve, despite a tough loss to Saturn last night...Savage and Liz make their way to the ring...Tony talks about how dangerous Liz has become at ringside now...Tenay comments on the plethora of Bret Hart NWO signs...Tony says the NWO is stronger than ever right now...Liz gets involved right away, shoving Disco into the post...Tenay says Disco seems to always have problems with women...crowd is rowdy here...Savage hits the elbow but doesn't pin Disco, wanting to keep the assault on...Savage gets the pin a minute later with a second elbow for the easy win...Savage heads up top again and hits a third and then wipes out Mickey Jay...Liz brings some spray paint in the ring and they tag Disco with it and then Liz pins him with her foot and Savage counts the fall...Savage heads back up and hits a fourth elbow

- We check out a highlight of the winning Nitro Party Tape before heading back to the ring

- Dean Malenko vs. Brad Armstrong...Tony talks about the Hogan/Giant main event that is forthcoming as Tenay runs down some upcoming live events...both men make their way out for this match...Tenay talks about the history between these two men...Tony puts over how technically sound the cruiserweights are...a member of the Flock is standing up at ringside and Tony says he is going to annoy the fans seated behind him...the crowd has quickly turned on this match as they work on the mat early...talk about Starrcade ticket sales...Tony says Brad has had an attitude change recently and Tenay says it has helped him in the ring...Bobby says to be a star in WCW you can't be a nice guy and Brad has realized it...Tony is sure NWO will have a plan for later tonight as they never go anywhere alone...competitve match here...Malenko gets the Cloverleaf and wins the match...good showing for Armstrong

- Gene is in the aisle as we are in the shank of the evening...he brings out Steve McMichael for a chat...Mongo says he was laughing about Alex Wright firing Debra earlier...Debra comes out now and says she is glad she isn't with Wright anymore because she wants to work with Mongo again instead since they were such a great team before...she will do anything to be back with Mongo...Mongo tells her to get the hell out of here and that's that

- The Nitro Girls dance us back from break as Tony runs down the rest of tonight's action and then the announcers talk about WW3

- Buff Bagwell vs. Chris Jericho...Buff struts down to the ring and he is followed by Jericho, as Tony talks about the historical importance of Starrcade...we get some talk about the issues between Zbyszko and Bischoff...Tony hopes that match gets signed soon...Buff controls the match and talks shit to the referee while doing it...Jericho dives onto Buff on the floor, whose head crashes into the concrete...Tony says Jericho has also been more aggressive in the ring lately...he gets a near fall off a Lionsault...Buff battles back in...they talk about the Flock and compare it to the Cuckoo's Nest...Tony implores WCW stars to watch the Giant's back later tonight...Jericho gets two more close near falls...Buff goes fors the Blockbuster but converts it to a shoulderblock and gets the win

- Ray Traylor vs. Curt Hennig for the US Title...Tony says Ric Flair isn't here tonight due to an ankle injury he sustained last night...Tenay says he is in charge of putting together a documentary on the late Brian Pillman and all proceeds will go to the Pillman Family...Hennig is out and followed by Traylor, looking to take home some gold...Tenay talks about all the beatings the NWO have laid on Traylor...Hennig stalls to slow Traylor down...Tony talks about how Traylor is a loner after leaving NWO...Hennan puts over Hennig's ability and talks about how he guts it out through a knee injury and is here every week, which Tony takes issue with...they have a funny back and forth over it too...Hennig takes over, wearing down Traylor...Bobby still putting over Hennig, really grinding Tony's gears...Tony says the NWO is probably waiting to come out and help Hennig because they always are prepared to gang up...Traylor fights back and is fired up...Traylor hits his finisher and is about to win the match, but he gets up during the pin as Scott Hall hits the ring to draw the DQ...the rest of the troops come out and they all start beating down Traylor...Savage drops an elbow...they paint Traylor once again and Tenay says Traylor has no allies

- Back from break, we get clips from last week where NWO really put a beating on Giant's hand and then highlights from last night's WW3

- Giant vs. Hollywood Hogan for WCW World Title...Giant stalks out to a big pop, hand in a cast...Tony talks about how big it is to have the World Champion wrestle on TV...Vincent escorts Hogan down to the ring as Voodoo Child fills the arena...Hogan assaults the hand right off the bell...Bischoff and Rick Rude head to the announce table and kick everyone out so they can take over...great heat on Hogan here...they talk about the smarts of Hogan, picking apart Giant's hand...Eric talks about how the Steiners are fraud tag champs...they congratulate Scott Hall for winning WW3...Giant battles back and has Hogan in trouble, but his hand is hindering him...Sting comes down now...he attacks Giant's busted hand and unmasks himself to reveal Kevin Nash...the bell rings, ending the match in a DQ...they bust the cast off Giant's hand...the fans are calling for Sting, but Eric says he is long gone...now Sting repels down from the ceiling, but he doesn't stop and crashes through the ring, collapsing the mat...Hogan and Nash beat on him, revealing it to be a dummy...all the troops are out now and they take turns teeing off on the Sting dummy...they taunt the dummy as we fade out

Review Date: October 2011
