JT's Replay: WCW Uncensored 2000

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WCW Uncensored 2000

- After a video package recapping the major feuds, we see footage of Ric Flair, Lex Luger & Liz entering the arena and elsewhere, Hulk Hogan and Sid discuss their plans for the night…then we see Jeff Jarrett and the Harris Twins discussing a big surprise…outside, a black limo pulls up and then we head inside the American Airlines Arena in Miami where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Mark Madden welcome us to the show…we immediately head to the ring

-  The Artist vs. Psychosis…cruiserweight title match kicks us off tonight as the dominant champion, The Artist Formerly Know as Prince Iaukea hits the ring, accompanied by his valet, Paisley…Psychosis has Juvy with him and my night is already made thanks to his awesome entrance theme music…Psychosis is one ugly bastard…Artist is going to wrestle in his button down and slacks, which is odd…before the match starts, some random music fires up and Chris Candido marches down to the ring…Madden says the internet rumors were right for a chance as Candido has apparently signed on with WCW…he joins in on commentary and reveals he has signed and intends to win the CW title…Psychosis comes off the top with a headscissors takeover and then clotheslines Artist to the floor…he follows with a plancha as Candido brags about his wrestling ability…Artist kind of looks like Tony Shalhoub…he takes over control, using Psychosis’s nappy hair against him…this is a weird gimmick, but Artist is pretty damn funny and he has really thrown himself into it…Candido wants to know where his valet is and why she wasn’t signed too…the match spills to the floor where Psychosis eats the ring steps…I am already sick of Madden…Artist gets a flurry of near falls and I will give him credit for working smoothly in this getup…Madden is kissing Candido’s ass as Psychosis makes a comeback with a top rope Frankensteiner for a near fall…he follows up with a front suplex and heads up top but Paisley hangs him up…Juvy comes over and smooches her, leading to a catfight…Psychosis flies off with a guillotine legdrop but decides to dance like an idiot before covering, allowing Artist to kick up…Paisley distracts him again, allowing Artist to scale the middle rope and fly off with a DDT for the win…that ending was a mess with Psychosis standing around aimlessly while waiting for Artist, but the rest of the match was solid and a good enough opener…Artist keeps his title but Candido is on the hunt

- Backstage, Gene Okerlund is with Bam Bam Bigelow, talking about his upcoming match with the Wall…Bammer brought him into the business but things have gone wrong as of late…Wall is crippling and hurting people but Bigelow ends that tonight

- XS vs. Smiley & Demon…XS is comprised of Lane and Rave and they are out first as we see clips of the issues between these four men…Tony says XS think they are modern cool guys…got to love 2000…Miss Hancock randomly struts to the ring in between entrances…Madden says XS spurned her advances so she has been out to mess with them week after week…she joins in on commentary as Rave tells her to stop chasing after them…Lane says Hancock is “not even close to being rizat material”…classy…Hancock thinks XS stands for “extra small”…she has found two real men instead…in the aisle, Demon’s casket opens up and Smiley emerges, dressed in Demon garb…the real Demon heads down the aisle and they unite…Tenay puts over their tag skills and loyalty…XS attacks off the bell, but Demon quickly ends that by snapping Rave over with a double underhook suplex…things get out of control early on as Rave and Demon brawl on the floor while Norman gives Lane the Big Wiggle back inside…lots of stooging around by XS as Demon and Smiley work them over…Lane takes Demon down with a drop toehold and Rave crashes in with a legdrop…they double team Demon as Hancock says she has hooked up with Los Fabulosos and took them on a shopping spree…this is basically a handicap match as Smiley chills on the apron while XS battles Demon…all three collide in some sort of clothesline mess and everyone is down…Tenay is still gushing about the teamwork between Smiley & Demon…Norman gets the hot tag and is giving spinning scoop slams out to everyone…Lane catches him with a reverse Russian legsweep but Demon breaks up the cover…now everyone is brawling again…Hancock is lost on commentary…Smiley traps Rave in the Norman Conquest and he gets the win…ok match, kind of sloppy but Norman was great as always…XS grabs Hancock and blame her for the loss…Demon & Smiley save her and chase XS off…Hancock gives Norman the Big Wiggle after the match…I wonder if this tape is in my boy Michael Vincent’s porn collection

- Backstage, Booker and Billy Kidman have a heated conversation over some sort of mishap that went down recently…Torrie Wilson is with Kidman and she looks annoyed as Booker rants and raves…Torrie is smoking hot here…elsewhere, David Flair, Crowbar and Daphne are plotting

- Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Wall…Bammer is out first and is ready to face his protégé…Wall has his cutoff collared shirt on and looks quite angry…Tony puts over his evolution into a wrecking machine…Bigelow jumps him as he enters the ring and the two slug away at each other with heavy right hands…Wall drills Bammer with a huge clothesline and then follows with a big charge in the corner…Bammer retaliates with a clothesline of his own, scoop slams Wall and heads up top…he crashes off with his diving headbutt but Wall kicks up…Bigelow runs into a big boot…Madden makes a rare good point, saying the longer this goes, the more confused Wall will get since he is used to squashing opponents…Bammer catches Wall with a nice DDT for a two count…both men fly outside as Wall careens into Bigelow with a clothesline…they brawl down the aisle and over to the staging area…Wall sends Bammer crashing through a table with a chokeslam and Mickie Jay calls for the bell…even though he didn’t get him up that high, it was a pretty cool spot…as soon as the bell rings, David Flair & Crowbar attack but Wall wipes both of them out…the fight continues until Wall stalks after Crowbar to the back as Bigelow is being loaded onto a stretcher…we hear Daphne screaming and the camera pans up to see Crowbar and Wall battling up on the elevated scaffolding…they trade blows until Wall goozles Crowbar and chokeslams him down through a stage…Wall smiles as Tenay calls him sadistic…wild spot but it seemed well set up and not overly dangerous, so fine by me…plus Wall looked like a beast for destroying two men

- Crowbar is wheeled to an ambulance as a gaggle of officials and wrestlers check on him…we then head back to ringside as the announcers break that segment down…they toss it to Gene backstage, who is with Brian Knobbs…he dedicates his upcoming hardcore title match to Bigelow and Crowbar…that was touching

- Three Count vs. Brian Knobbs…TC are the joint hardcore champion, thanks to all three men piling on Knobbs to win the belt back on 2/29…they want to dance, but Knobbs interrupts with his funky theme music…Helms has a Zorro mask on to protect his broken nose…Madden wonders if they should stop the show after the last segment…Tenay thinks Knobbs’s dedication speaks volumes about the brotherhood of wresters…whatever you say, Mikey…Knobbs goes back under the stage and wheels out a bin of weapons, as usual…Knobbs has to pin all three TC members to win this match…TC is all over Knobbs on the floor, pummeling him with his very own plunder…Knobbs has been tutored by Finlay as of late…Knobbs battles back with a trash can and then takes all three to Pity City…Helms cracks Knobbs across the dome with a chair as Moore sets up a ladder in the corner…they whip Knobbs into it and he collapses as Helms scales the ladder and flies off with a splash…Evan does the same but Moore misses a senton bomb as Knobbs barely escapes…TC decides to dance, allowing Knobbs to spray them all with a fire extinguisher…Knobbs drapes a chair over Helms’s face and smashes it with a cane to eliminate him…Knobbs sets up a table at ringside, drags Evan back inside and then sends him crashing out through the table with a powerbomb in a nasty spot and eliminates him…even though he was eliminated, Helms comes back around to attack Knobbs after the pin…Knobbs fights him off and then tosses another table in the ring…he hoists Moore up, but Moore swings his weight and Knobbs trips backwards over the table…he covers and Nick Patrick counts three, even though Knobbs got his foot on the rope…Patrick realizes his error and restarts the match…Knobbs drops all of TC with a trash can and then carelessly drops a ladder on Evan at ringside…that was a dick move…Moore tries to just hand Knobbs the title but Knobbs just kicks him instead…he climbs to the middle rope and splashes Moore with a trash can to win his hardcore title back…fun garbage brawl and I can’t believe how entertaining Knobbs is in this role…never thought I would say that

- Backstage, Gene is with the New Harlem Heat, consisting of Stevie Ray, Big T, Kash and J. Biggs…I wonder if that was a rib on Jason Biggs…maybe Moadib will fuck a pie for us…not even Clarence Mason can save this debacle…Moadib mumbles as only he can…fantastic…the limo is still outside and we have no idea who is inside…we cut over to a mysterious backstage spot where Vampiro is mumbling to himself about Finlay and wanting to hurt people and doing bad things but he doesn’t want to be a bad person…sure

- Booker & Kidman vs. Harlem Heat…last Wednesday, Booker let Kidman have it for not watching his back, even though Booker has had his back…Tenay says Kidman & Booker have to get on the same page tonight…Madden calls HH his “brothers from the hood”…I say the only Hood Madden knows about is in the freezer section of your local supermarket…HH head out next…Kash is a fucking house…Biggs joins the commentary team…Stevie and Booker kick things off and Stevie wastes no time assaulting his brother…Tony wants J’s take on Crowbar but he doesn’t give a shit…Booker turns things around and tags in Kidman…Stevie catches Kidman during a cross body and slams him down to the mat…Moadib comes in but I wonder if he should be wrestling while seven months pregnant…Booker is back in and he clubs away at Moadib…Booker takes down both men with side kicks and then cracks Kash with an axe kick as he tries to lumber into the ring…Booker is a house of fire, as they say…Kidman tags in and eats a clothesline from Stevie as he careens off the top rope…Stevie & Moadib hit stereo big boots to the grill of Kidman…Moadib looks like he is prepping to audition for the new Madea movie…did those exist in 2000, I’m not sure…Stevie has Kidman covered but Torrie flirts with the referee to stop that count…Biggs calls her a Yak…meanwhile, Kash is choking Kidman at ringside and in the worst idea in modern history, Moadib climbs into the crown, charges and leaps over the railing with a clothesline, nearly killing everyone within a twenty foot radius…Booker saves Kidman from being defeated and Tenay touts that as great teamwork…Biggs calls him out on that bullshit and rightfully so…Kidman takes Stevie down with a DDT…both men tag and Moadib looks like he was going to tear all his quads while trying to run into the ring…Booker drops him with a Book End but Stevie makes the save…Stevie gets Book Ended too but now Moadib makes the save…HH catches Booker and spikes him down with a double spinebuster, but Kidman makes the save…Moadib is sprawled on the mat, sucking wind to stay alive…Kidman wipes out Kash at ringside and then comes off the top rope to sunset flip Moadib with an assist from Booker…Kidman gets the victory for his team and it looks like all the pep talks worked…tough loss for HH…this was a glorious clusterfuck…Booker was the obvious star here, looking the strongest and just wrecking guys…oh, and Torrie was a star as well…hache mache with that sun dress, Ms. Wilson

- We go back to earlier tonight to see clips of the destruction of Bigelow and Crowbar at the hands of Wall…we then get a video package recapping the feud between Vampiro and Finlay…Tenay finally has an update and tells us that both Bigelow and Crowbar suffered concussions…Bigelow also has a dislocated shoulder and Crowbar cracked ribs and bruised his hips…but Tenay thinks the emotional damage is worse

- Finlay vs. Vampiro…more talk about Crowbar and Bigelow as this match gets under way…Tony says this match is about respect…Finlay hammers away with precision as Tenay puts over Vampiro and how he has held his own against top stars lately…Vampiro comes back with some kicks, followed by a top rope spin kick for a near fall…Tony tells us that falls count anywhere in this one, so that is good to know…Vampiro chops away, mixing in some kicks and headbutts…Tenay thinks Vampiro thrives on pain…Finlay comes back with a rolling fireman’s carry slam and then grabs a chair…he lays it across Vampiro’s face but Charles Robinson pulls it away…Finlay grabs the chair but Vampiro kicks it back in his face…both men have casts on their arms, courtesy Lex Luger…they brawl out to the announce table as Finlay hot shot Vampiro on the safety rail…Vampiro reverses a whip and sends Finlay into the rail but Finlay ducks a charge and dumps Vamp into the fans…they fight up the steps of the arena, using various concessions as weapons along the way…they spill into the concourse where Vamp eats some concrete…they tease going into the women’s room but then amble over to the men’s room instead…Finlay fires Vamp through a stall door…Madden gets a rare funny line, saying the ideal move in the restroom would be a urinage…Vamp uses a trash can to slow Finlay down…he scales the stall and dives off but Finlay meets him with the trash can…they head back into the sea of fans in the concourse and brawl all the way outside…Finlay tries to toss him off the balcony but Vamp blocks it and they end up back inside…Finlay back drops Vamp on the concrete floor but misses a wild punch and slugs the wall with his busted arm…Finlay crashes into the wall, missing a charge and Vamp polishes him off with the Nail in the Coffin on the concourse floor…fun high energy brawl with a pretty good story as Vamp earns Finlay’s respect…plus the fans loved it...I am enjoying this show way too much

- Backstage, Jarrett and the Harris Boys continue to plot…we then get a video package setting up the next bout…Gene chats with the Mamalukes & Disco Inferno and they are looking for respect

- Harris Boys vs. Mamalukes…the tag titles are on the line as the Harris Boys look to take the gold back to the NWO…there is something seriously wrong with these two goons strutting out to the iconic NWO theme song…Disco leads the champs out and this doesn’t promise to be pretty on any level…Madden says this is a simple pick up and delivery for the NWO…I believe this is no DQ…Disco joins in on commentary and would like to get paid for this gig…Vito hammers away at one of the Harris Boys, I will call him Ron…Disco threatens to make Madden disappear, if only he could…Bull tags in and he takes Don over with a nice powerslam…Vito back in and they land a double team kick/neckbreaker combo…not even Tony knows which Harris is which at this point…Don drills Vito with a low blow, followed with a stiff shoulderblock…Vito comes back with an armdrag, scoop slam and stomp to the face…Disco demands that the Mamalukes be called the Paisans…Tenay says they are one of the feel good stories of the year so far, in spite of Disco’s involvement…Vito & Bull drop Don with their own H-Bomb for a near fall…Ron decks Bull from the apron to finally slow the champs down…he tags in and chucks Bull to the floor for some chicanery as the referee is tied up…Bull battles back with a spinning heel kick, but can’t make the tag…the Harris Boys work Bull over in the corner, tagging in and out and overpowering him…Disco claims this is a rope a dope strategy, we will see if that is the case…a double clothesline takes both men out and Bull finally makes the tag…Vito is a house of fire but this crowd has flattened a bit for the first time tonight…after a brief brawl, Vito drops a big elbow off the top for a near fall…they follow that up with a double team clothesline/spinebuster but the other Harris boy makes the save…Vito gets knocked to the floor and the Harris boy drop Bull with a double pancake…they hit the H-Bomb but Vito makes the save this time…Disco hops in the ring and pelts the Harris Boy with the belt, but it only leads to a near fall…the plan backfires as Vito eats the belt and a huge H-Bomb to give the Harris Boys the tag straps…that match was way too long and the Mamalukes deserve to keep the straps, but I get they wanted the belts in the quickly failing NWO

- Outside of the arena, the limo has arrived…now Finlay talks about beating respect into Vampiro…he admits that the better man won but he takes credit for lighting the fire…Gene is with Ric Flair, Lex Luger and Liz…then we head to a video package for our next match…after that, Gene chats with Dustin before we finally head to the ring

- Dustin Rhodes vs. Terry Funk…there was some vintage Funk in the build to this match, both on the mic and in the ring…Dustin was showing good fire too and had a cool look with the black cowboy gear on…this is a bullrope match…Tenay talks about the long running Rhodes/Funk feud and notes that Dustin has taken over for his dad, expanded gut included in that package it seems…Funk says the only difference between father and son is that Dusty is much fatter than Dustin…Funk has a raw chicken on his hand and then sends a chicken mascot into the ring, claiming it is Dustin’s baby brother…this chicken gag has gone too long…Funk nails Dustin with the raw chicken and the match finally kicks off…Funk peppers Dustin and then whips him with the cowbell…Funk hits a DDT for a near fall and continues to work the head a bit…Dustin takes the cowbell to the face but grabs the rope to stay alive…Dustin cracks Funk in the nuts to take over…Dustin wraps the rope around Funk’s neck and tosses him across the ring with it…Funk gets caught in the ropes and Dustin pummels him with the bell until Funk tumbles to the floor…Dustin follows after, continuing to use the rope to choke Funk, even yanking him viciously to the floor with it at one point…back inside, Dustin hits a DDT for a two count…Funk is taking some great bumps, but that is no surprise I guess…Dustin bulldogs Funk on the bell, but Terry just won’t stay down…the chicken mascot is back in the ring and he goes after Dustin, but that is short lived as Dustin decks him with the bell…he gave that bird some stiff shots before just chucking it into the guardrail…Funk crotches Dustin on the top rope but is pretty spent…he grabs the bell and smashes it into Dustin’s giggleberries…Funk grabs a mic and decides to change the rules to an I Quit match…Billy Silverman objects, so Funk bashes him in the head with the bell…Funk keeps slugging away, drilling Dustin with the bell over and over…Funk is imploring Dustin to quit and he finally gives up after Funk continued to beat the piss out of him…Tony says that it doesn’t count because it is not officially an I Quit match and Madden claims that Dustin would never have said it if it was…doesn’t a verbal submission still count in a regular match, I am quite confused now…Silverman won’t count that as the finish, allowing Dustin to stagger up and nail Funk with the bell…he drives it into the head of Funk over and over…Dustin hoists Funk up and drops him on the bell with a piledriver for the win…well, outside of the bullshit clusterfuck fake finish, this was a fun old school brawl as they just beat the piss out of each other with the cowbell…Dustin doesn’t care that the match is over and just keeps clobbering him with the bell until Funk finally fights him off…the poor chicken is still unconscious in the aisle

- Backstage, Gene is with Sid Vicious…we then get a video package for our next bout

- Sting vs. Lex Luger…Luger has been busting arms as of late and it started with Sting, putting him out of action for a while…now Sting is back and ready for revenge as this longtime feud is rekindled…this is a lumberjack match, with every wrestler who had their arm broken by Lex stationed around the ring…they all have casts on and it is a unique mix, including Jimmy Hart, Knobbs, Finlay, Curt Hennig, Vampiro and Doug Dellinger…Madden bitches about how this is unfair as Liz leads Lex to the ring…Lex is ripped and juiced and monstrous…Madden notes that Lex is at 4% body fat…I note that is 87% less than Madden…Lex grabs a mic and apologizes to the lumberjacks for busting their arms and informs everyone that he has brought his own lumberjacks to get his back…Hugh Morrus, Big T, Stevie Ray, Kash and the Harris Boys all head out, wearing casts so they can participate…of course, none of them have broken arms so Team Lex may have the advantage…crowd is happy to see the Stinger…Lex jumps Sting as he climbs in the ring, but Sting fires right back…you have to think these two can wrestle each other on cruise control at this point…Lex falls to the floor, triggering a brief skirmish between the lumberjacks…Sting continues to pound Lex as the fans are rocking…he dumps Lex to the floor and he is picked apart until his boys make the save…Lex is able to slow Sting down and dumps him to the floor where his buddies work him over…as Lex stomps away. Tank Abbot slowly marches to the ring and slugs Doug Dellinger and then just leaves…to quote Macklemore, “this is fucking awesome”…I have always hated Dellinger and his stupid rolled up paper…all of the lumberjacks randomly decide to brawl backstage and now this is a regular match…actually, Vampiro has stayed at ringside…now Flair is out with a chair…Flair takes out Vamp and then gets in the ring and starts chopping Sting…Sting shakes that off and splashes Flair in the corner…Lex catches Sting with an axehandle but Sting comes back with the Stinger Splash…Liz hops on the apron and bashes Sting with a baseball bat…Vamp grabs the bat and Jimmy Hart reappears to drag her off…Sting kicks out of a pin attempt but Lex racks him…Vamp slides in the ring and smacks Lex in the back with the bat, allowing Sting to hit the Death Drop for the win…messy match but Vampiro gets a huge push, aligning with Sting and looking like a major player…both guys worked hard, so I will give them that

- In the back, Gene catches up with Tank Abbott, who rambles about Dellinger trying to take his money…that is followed by a video package to prep us for the World title match…back to the outside, the limo driver starts to open the door but before we see who emerges, we cut to Jarrett walking in the back…Tony claims that there has been a format change and that this match is now happening next instead of Hogan/Flair…elsewhere, Sid is prepping when Mike Graham shows up and tells him he has to get to the ring…Sid is befuddled and takes off…that was a beautiful allegory for the chaos that is WCW

- Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid…Sid’s World title is up for grabs in this one…I can’t believe they were still paying Michael Buffer to trot out and announce the big matches…Tony still doesn’t understand why the format changed…Jarrett’s bitches lead him out and my oh my did they give this guy every fucking gimmick possible to get over…he is the US champ here, but his belt is not on the line…JJ talks about realizing his destiny and then says his ladies will strip if he wins, busting out even more cheap heat tactics…Sid still has his awesome presence but I am not telling you anything you don’t already know…JJ tries to get off to a hot start, but Sid shrugs him off and peppers him with right hands…JJ goes to the eyes but that does nothing as Sid just clothesline him to the floor…Sid follows outside and slams JJ on the announce table…Sid then scales it and leaps off with an axehandle…the fight spills out into the crowd as Tony shoots holes in things, claiming this is not no-DQ but it is Uncensored, so maybe it is anything goes…Madden just says the refs are going to be lenient…Sid is dominating until the Harris Boys show up to help work Sid over…they drag him to the ring and hammer away as JJ tries to bring a chair in until Nick Patrick wrests it away…Tony calls JJ “the master of Slapnuts”…indeed, Tony…JJ clocks Sid with right hands and then locks on a sleeperhold…Sid finally breaks free and kicks JJ to the mat…the Harris Boys get involved but that backfires as JJ is rammed into the title belt for a near fall…Jarrett blocks a chokeslam and then elbows Patrick in the head to wipe him out…JJ grabs his guitar and smashes Sid in the head with it…referee Slick Johnson runs out at JJ’s beckon but before he can count three, Hulk Hogan shows up and yanks him from the ring…Hogan takes out the Harris Boys, drops the leg on JJ and drags Sid on top for the win…the crowd did not seem to give a shit or a fuck that Hogan was out there and it led to a flat finish…as Hogan celebrates Sid’s win, Scott Steiner shows up and destroys a guitar across Hogan’s back…Tony surmises that Steiner is JJ’s surprise insurance policy that was in the limo…Sid battles back up and takes out the Harris Boys to protect Hogan, but the damage is done…JJ and his million gimmicks regroup as Ric Flair struts to the ring and it looks like it is main event time

- Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair…Flair has the strap with him and he is working Hogan over as Mickie Jay hits the ring and calls for the bell…Madden is ripping on Hogan for getting involved in the world title match…Jimmy Hart is out now and he looks angry…Hogan gets some energy back and starts choking Flair out with his Yapappi…Flair is bumping all over the place now as this ebbs back into the usual match between these two…Flair uses the strap to turn the tide and then jams it in Hogan’s match and yanks on either end of it to choke Hulk out…Hogan goes low to break that up…Flair lands a chop or two but mainly begs off as Hogan chokes away with the strap…Hogan hammers away in the corner and then bites Flair’s face as Madden bashes him for his actions…Flair tries to run, but Hulk uses the strap to keep him nearby…Flair makes a comeback but he heads up top and is slammed down by Hulk…Madden notes that the last time that move worked for Flair was Starrcade 1983…Hulk lets Jimmy get some lashes in on Flair as revenge for Flair attacking him on Thunder…Flair is busted open and he tries to escape but Hulk follows him up to the entrance ramp…Luger comes out and gingerly taps Hogan on the head with a chair...now Hogan is bleeding as Flair gets his second wind…Flair chops and bites as they slowly make their way towards the ring…Flair is working Hogan over when Hart gets involved again but Jimmy pays the price as Flair beats the crap out of him…Hogan stumbles up to his feet, but Flair kicks his leg out and starts working his way to touching the corners…he taps the first three but Hogan breaks the momentum…Flair goes to his boot and pulls out some sort of object, decking Hogan with it…Flair covers and Mickie Jay counts, but I don’t think that would have counted…Tony explains it away by saying Hogan kicked out anyway, but that makes even less sense…Hogan hulks up and drops Flair with the big boot…he drags Flair around and touches three corners but Luger gets involved…Hogan swats him away, drops the leg and pins Flair…Mickie counts the fall but Hogan touches the fourth corner to erase any doubt…Jimmy and Hulk celebrate and the fans go home happy…this wasn’t too bad, confusing rules aside…these two have a pretty good formula in the bank and when they stick to it, the match turns out fine, as this one did

- I actually thought this was a solid show until the booking got messy in the last few matches…sure, there were a couple of stinkers along the way, but everyone worked hard and the fans were pretty invested for the most part, which surprised me…the show flowed pretty well as we moved from one thing to the next quickly and without much time wasting segments…the commentary was up and down, but they kept the insider bullshit to a minimum and this felt like a show where they tried to keep things fairly simple and on point…sloppy decisions at the top aside, this is worth a watch if you want to quench a thirst for some late era WCW as the bad isn’t bad enough to make this a must avoid and the easy flow and upbeat crowd make it a quick watch

Review Date: March 2013
