JT's Replay: WCW Worldwide 4/24/93

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WCW Worldwide 4/24/93

- We open with clips of last week, when we saw the debut of Scott Norton…he returns this week…opening animation brings us into the arena and we are off an running…Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura in the booth

- Rick Rude vs. Rex Cooper…hopefully he fares better than Rex Ryan has of late…Rude’s theme never gets old…Tony runs down today’s show as Rude hoists Cooper up for a suplex but then turns into a press slam, which was awesome…Jesse is quite impressed, natch…Rude is just tossing Rex around like a rag doll...Jesse says Rude is all business now, no more gyrations and showing off…and it shows as he is all over Rex with stuff offense…he snaps off the Rude Awakening for the easy win…what a fun effective squash…Rude was a beast at this point…Jesse tells us Rude is gunning for Dustin Rhodes’s US Title

- Tony Gilliam has a WCW Magazine Update…yeah I don’t know who he is either…he talks about Rude and how focused he is, going after the US strap…basic promo from Dustin

- We are back and Tony & Jesse talk about the upcoming Slamboree…we will have the first Control Center for the show later today…it is about a month away

- Scorpio & Bagwell vs. Sullivan & Thor…man, the fantastic theme music keeps rolling today…GMC reminds us that Bagwell is the WCW magazine rookie of the year…Tony thinks this team should rank pretty high on the contender list…Jesse says they have matching custom tights, ensuring this is a team here to stay…Bagwell starts off as Tony gushes over the team and their strong attributes…Jesse thinks they have a ways to go…lots of quick tags…Scorpio looks good here, really slimmed down…Scorpio lands a fantastic leaping spin kick to the face of Thor…Tony compares their teamwork to the Hollywood Blondes…lets not get crazy, Tony, cool those jets…Thor is hanging in here, good for him…Tony will be chatting with Ric Flair later today…Scorpio and Bagwell hit stereo planchas to the floor…Jesse wants Tony to ask these guys why they chose pink & white tights…this is a pretty long squash…Bagwell is fine here but Scorpio is really impressive…Thor & Sullivan even get some offense in here…Scorpio ends that with a big superkick…that is followed by a double superplex for the win…this is a good looking team that worked well together as a high flying face team…looking forward to their development

- Tony is at ringside with Scorpio & Bagwell…wow Bagwell is so young and not juiced out of his mind…Scorpio calls out the Blondes and is sure to grab his junk while cutting a promo…from the stories I have read, I don’t blame him for calling attention to it

- After a break, Tony takes us to Eric Bischoff and Greg Gagne to explain the Computer Contenders Competition…basically we will have four title defenses in May, with each contender determined by the compter…and the graphics to explain to us the process are mind blowing…ok here are the results…receiving the TV Title match is Shane Douglas, edging Davey Boy Smith, Vinnie Vegas and Steve Regal…Gagne says he has never seen this much controversy in WCW, so apparently this is a major upset…computers create controversy, for sure…Douglas will challenge Orndorff for the strap…next up, the tag team division…Scorpio & Bagwell passes Steamboat & Douglas, Vegas & Big Sky and Slazenger & Pierce to earn a crack at the Blondes…these results seem like bullshit to me…the graphic is fantastic…Bischoff doesn’t get that result either…screw Gagne and his computer, nerd…Gagne says we will see a tag title change…Bischoff runs through the criteria entered into this super computer…next is Dustin’s US title…Gagne says the way to beat Dustin is with speed and that plays out in the results as Kensuke Sasaki, from Japan in case you were confused, edges Rick Rude by percentage points…Scorpio and Bagwell round out the field…Gagne says Rude is furious and I would be too if I was considered slower than Sasake…OK, finally the loaded field for the NWA Title held by Barry Windham sees Johnny B. Badd pass Ron Simmons, Maxx Payne and Van Hammer to earn a title bout…Bischoff says if there is an injury, the man ranked next would receive the shot…finally, Ricky Steamboat defeats Sting, Cactus Jack and Erik Watts to earn a World Title match with Vader…this match factored endurance heavily into the formula, so that is how Watts got back into the picture apparently…Orndorff and Douglas battle next week…that was my favorite segment of all time

- Scott Norton vs. JB Stryker…Norton is a hoss and he also has Bob Golic’s mullet to boot…Stryker has zero chance here, don’t need Gagne’s computer to tell me that at all…Jesse loves that Norton wastes no energy by walking around the ring…he just stands in the middle of the ring and waits for his opponent to come to him and get mowed down…quick clothesline finishes…great push for Norton so far…Tony wonders who can stop him

- Eric Bischoff is in the Slamboree Control Center…Gordon Solie is also with us and he runs down the legends that will be in the house…Johnny Valentine, Loiu Thesz, Dusty Rhodes, Blackjack Mulligan, Don Muraco…we get footage of a Don Muraco match against Bobby Duncum in August 1974 from Florida…back to Eric…matches include Vader defending against British Bulldog and Barry Windham putting his title up against Arn Anderson…good looking card so far

- Now we go back to last week where Arn Anderson gave Bobby Eaton some tough love…he says Bobby was running around the country in minor league outfits when Arn needed him…he is well and no longer needs Bobby…Bobby is trying to leave but Arn attacks him, ending that partnership

- Arn Anderson vs. Terry Travis…Tony’s voice is dubbed in to say Davey Boy Smith challenging Vader at Slamboree…I wonder why they had to dub it in, maybe that match changed since this was recorded…Tony reveals even more legends in attendance and some will even be competing…I want to attend the Slam Feast…Arn works the arm with vigor…and keeps working it as we get more Slamboree talk…Arn hits the spinebuster and we are done

- Back to Tony Gilliam, looking pimp with his fancy hair…promo from Vader & Harley Race about his match with Bulldog at Slamboree…this clown couldn’t hold Sean Mooney’s jock…I never seen this guy before today but man I don’t like him

- Vinnie Vegas & Big Sky vs. Rude Dog & Rainbow Brown…this is a hectic hour of WCW competition…Big Sky is a big dude…pretty cool looking hoss tag team…I think Vince McMahon would have a coronary over these jobber names…Rude Dog, really, who the fuck came up with that mess…Rainbow ain’t much better…Sky runs the Dog over pretty easily…Sky needs the Bro and the Manzier...Nash is tall and slim here…Jesse says Vegas is always one step ahead of Van Hammer…now that sounds like an awesome feud…Tony says Sky has a whole college conference named after him and proceeds to name some of the teams involved in it…Dog is taking a shit kicking…finally tired of this stupid dog, Sky walks him to the corner so they can abuse Rainbow as well…this is another lengthy squash…Rainbow eats a double chokeslam but Vegas plays around and doesn’t go for the win…Jesse says this is the Year of the Woman in Hollywood, according to the Oscars anyway…now we get talk about the impending baseball season as this squash just keeps going…Vinnie rolls the dice and delivers Snake Eyes this is finally over…poor Rainbow

- Johnny B. Badd vs. Brian Harkrider…Badd struts out and plants a kiss on a fan at ringside…next week Ric Flair’s talk segment, A Flair for the Gold debuts…Tony will talk to Nature Boy after this…Harkrider has the best hair of the day, a curly ginger mullet with the sides shaved down…that is dedication…Badd unleashes his armdrag arsenal as Tony runs down Badd’s repertoire…Jesse says Badd shops at his Boa Farm and Tony places an order for one as well…Harkrider is terrible, he should be ranked at the very end of the jobber scale…Badd blasts him with a left hand and that is that…Jesse believes that is illegal, but the referee doesn’t seem to agree…Badd plants the kiss and we are done

- Tony is with Ric Flair on the podium…we are one week away from Flair for the Gold…Flair talks about making network history…the set is 48 feet long and customized like a penthouse suite…the first guest next week will be Vader…Flair is all sorts of fired up about this golden opportunity…Flair struts off and we are out…see you next week, fans

Review Date: March 2013
